Audio of Interviews

General Tye King, formerly of King in the Mackey Bend area of Knox County, Kentucky, was interviewed at the home of Charles Reed Mitchell in Barbourville, Kentucky by his longtime friend, William Sherman Oxendine. The interview took place on July 10, 1991.
In the interview, Oxendine primarily focused on the military career of General (first name, not military rank) "Gene" King who rose to the rank of captain in the medical field during World War II. This included following Patton's army in his campaign across Europe, including evacuating casualties from Bastogne.

Henry Matt Mills of Cannon, Ky., was interviewed at his home on August 15, 1989 by William Sherman Oxendine and Jakalyn Jackson.
In the interview, Mr. Mills touches on many topics, including the Bailey-White Feud, the Charles Childers killing, legal whiskey making, "poor houses," folk medicine and more.

Mildred E. Maggard was interviewed on October 26, 1990 by Susan Arthur.
The main topics of the interview include the theaters in Barbourville, the location of various businesses in downtown Barbourville, what it was like to live in Barbourville, Kentucky during the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s,and Miss Maggard's own working career that spanned many years and businesses and organizations.

Clarence "Ossie" Burch was interviewed by William Sherman Oxendine on March 7, 1990. Most of the conversation focused on Burch's military career.
Clarence "Ossie" Burch was born on October 10, 1914 and died on March 19, 2000. A native of Knox County, Kentucky, Burch served in many campaigns with Merrill's Marauders on the Burma Road and is mentioned in two books entitled Merrill's Marauders. After the war, in 1947, Burch reorganized the local National Guard units from southeastern Kentucky and headed the Barbourville Guard. He retired with the rank of colonel.
James L. (Jimmy) Chafin, WYWY radio announcer from 1963 through 1993 gave the Knox Historical Museum an oral interview on June 25, 2014. Doug Bargo was the principal interviewer, along with David Cole and Charles Reed Mitchell.