History, Records and Photographs of Trace Branch Methodist Church located on KY 11 about 3 miles north of Barbourville
Editors note: The Trace Branch United Methodist Church celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1995. Jakalyn Jackson of Cannon, Ky., provided the souvenir book published for the anniversary, the contents of which follow. Also Jakalyn Jackson was author of this church history. The historical marker was placed at that location in May 28, 2015.
Read more: Trace Branch United Methodist Church History through 1995
This deed of conveyance made and entered into this fifth day of February 1895, between Lawson G. Morris and Harriet A. Morris, his wife, parties of the first part and Lawson G. Morris, W.C. Judd, and James W. McDonald, trustees of Trace Branch Methodist Church and their successors in the office.
Read more: 1895 Deed from Lawson and Harriet Morris to Trustees of Trace Branch Church
The following is a list of ministers who have served Trace Branch United Methodist Church for the time that the church was organized until the present. Since so few dates have been established the names might not be listed in the exact order of the terms served. Data source is church records and personal recollections.
Read more: List of ministers at Trace Branch Methodist Church

Editor's Note: Trace Branch Methodist Church of Knox County received a Kentucky Historical Marker in 2015. Trace Branch Methodist Church is located on KY 11 about three miles north of Barbourville. While the present church building was erected in 1895, the church organization itself is widely believed to be the oldest congregation in Knox County, reportedly dating from 1801.
The following article was written by Jakalyn Jackson of Cannon, Kentucky. Ms. Jackson also wrote the article for the church's 100th anniversary celebration in 1995. Among her sources was an earlier article written by W.S. Hudson for the Barbourville Mountain Advocate, member recollections, the book Union College 1879-1979, edited by W.S. Marigold, and a 1965 history of the First United Methodist Church of Barbourville.
Read more: Trace Branch Methodist Church receives Kentucky Historical Marker

Several members of the Knox Historical Museum attended the Kentucky historical marker dedication held Saturday, May 30, 2015 at Trace Branch United Methodist Church. Those attending included Museum President Michael C. Mills. Vice President Steve Valentine, and Board member Diana Mills.
Read more: Members of KHM staff attend marker dedication at Trace Branch