
Knox Historical Museum

History & Genealogy Center

Established 1987 in Barbourville, Kentucky
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VOL. 6 NO. 2

APRIL, 1982

A Message From Your President ... 1

New Members & Change Of Address ... 2

Following The Tracks ... 3-8
     By Mrs. Elizabeth Masterson

Taylor History (continued from January, 1982 KCKK ... 8-10
     By Your Editors 

Rose Family Association ... 10

John Marlow and Nancy Messer Marlow Family ... 11-12
     By Mrs. Jean Carroll Reynolds

HODGES ... 12-14
     By Robert and Jewell H. Ogle 

Death Certificates ... 15-22
     Transcribed and contributed by Mrs. Karen L. Cooper 

Cole - Hammons - Savage ... 23
     Contributed by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith 

Cole Coleman Data & Hammons Data ... 23-27
     By Mrs. Patsy Ann Hammons Koerner 

A Steele Of A Book ... 27

Jesse Hoskins - Hen Roost Robber ...  27

QUERIES ... 28-32

Enclosures with this Quarterly:
K.C.G.S. Questionaire on 1850 and 1860 Knox County, Kentucky Census 1900 Knox County, Kentucky Census - INDEX Check Records For Sale - By Mr. Charley M. Cornelius
QUERIES to be included in the JULY, 1982 KCKK Must reach us by JUNE 1, 1982. If your query was not included in this issue, it will be included in the July, 1982 issue.

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