
Knox Historical Museum

History & Genealogy Center

Established 1987 in Barbourville, Kentucky
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Submitted by Carol Golden

Golden Family Reunion, April 28-30, 2017. Please come!

Date: Friday, April 28, 2017, we will be at the Cumberland Inn, in Williamsburg, KY meeting in their Patriot meeting room from 5:00 - 9:30 PM. Plan to arrive on schedule. The hotel does offer a restaurant called the Patriot Steakhouse where everyone can dine and also food can be brought from the restaurant to the event rooms. No food from outside can be brought into the event rooms; it must be purchased from the hotel. A beverage service will be set up including coffee, tea, water and sodas. A copy machine will be available to share copies of your history with others. Bring your family history, pictures, stories and plan to have some fun with your BIG Family! We have the rooms until 9:30PM.

Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017, beginning at 8:30 AM and continuing until the last person leaves, plan to come (rain or shine) and spend the day at the actual Stephen Golden first settlement site and his resting place on Golden Creek. Please arrive before 12 noon so the prayer is not interrupted. Then we can begin our potluck meal together at 12:00 noon. Then afterwards a group picture can be taken of everyone.

Be sure and bring a food dish to share and your lawn chair for this outing. Also, bring your voice and music instrument and plan to play and sing the afternoon away after we dine! Also, please bring items to donate to the auction. The money collected at the auction and any cash donations will go towards taking care of the cost for the Friday night event, cemetery upkeep and the mailing/stamps for the newsletter. Funds go fast, so if you can't come and can donate some $ this would help greatly! After the outing all who would like to have dinner at the Patriot Steakhouse let me know so the reservation can be made and we can enjoy dinner together.

We might go cemetery visiting on Sunday! For more information call Carol Golden (865) 376-7141 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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