
Knox Historical Museum

History & Genealogy Center

Established 1987 in Barbourville, Kentucky
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Editor's Note: The following information derived from A Publication of the Knox County Genealogical Society, Inc. (Knox County, Kentucky Kinfolk) Volume Eight, Publication Number One, January, 1984. It was copied and contributed by Connie A. Carroll, Star Rt. 2, Box 164, Gray, Kentucky 40734. Connie is one of our new members. She has so graciously contributed this wealth of information for your research. She states that if you need additional information you may contact her at the above address.

The RICHLAND CHRISTIAN CHURCH began at Richland Church of Christ. It was organized October 20, 1887.
The church was organized October 20, 1887 with 24 charter members, by John W. Masters.

There was one term of Bible School, six months in the spring and summer of 1888-1889 with Patrick Gilliam as superintendent. Other than that there was only church service once a month.

Gradually through the years the membership increased to about 50. Among them was sister Sallie Clouse, who with another young lady was baptized on 23 February, 1896. ICE was broken for the baptism.

On the first Sunday in April 1905, a dispute arose in the church that split it asunder. For the next three months following that, a few met for worship. At the monthly meeting, the crowd dwindled down to one person and they gave it up. For over two years there was not a service held in the church except the Holiness Church people came and preached a few sermons. No one was taking care of the building and no one who cared about it. In the summer of 1907 a Revival was held at Scotts Chapel.


We the undersigned hereby organize ourselves into a body adopting the name CHURCH OF CHRIST taking Christ as our Creed and the Bible as our rule of faith and practice:

J.W. Masters-Evangelist
J.C. Clouse (John Calvin)
Mary Catherine Caroline Gilliam Clouse
Jim Beatty
Sarah Beatty
J.H. Trosper
Mary E. Trosper
Louisa A. Trosper
Marion Gilliam
Elizabeth Gilliam
Fanny Trosper
Martha Gilliam
Patrick Gilliam
Patrick Disney
Elizabeth Disney
Ballard Disney
Gimmy Higgins
Eller Beatty
July Husf
John P. Shelby
Catherine Messamore
Susan Messamore
Martha Parrott
Martha Shelby
Nancy Gilliam

The persons listed above are the charter members.


J.H. Trosper
J.C. Clouse

J. M. Beatty
B.B. Disney

The first man to preach for the church was a Taylor. The group met for worship in the school house, which was a log building, located on what is now the Gravel Road, about 200 yards from where the Gravel Road joins Highway 25 E at this time. This school room was about 12 X 14 feet and had a rough wood floor. There were two small windows. The seats were made of split logs with peg legs attached for legs. The members brought their little brass lamps from home for light. This was their house of worship until they built their church. A small frame building on the site where the present building now stands. The exact date of construction is not known.

The above was taken from the church record except the description of the school house which was told by Sarah (Sallie) Melinda Clouse Phipps, oldest living member of the church. Mrs. Phipps attended both school and church in the little log house. Information obtained by Mary Hensley.

The following is a list of members who attended this church at one time. If you would like additional information such as baptism and death dates please contact Connie A. Carroll.

Beginning 1897

Lee A. Clouse
Eller Beatty
Martha S. Wilson
Susan J. Keller Burnette
Sallie Keller
Anderson Keller
Melinda Keller
Stephen Gilliam
Irven Gilliam
Melinda Gilliam
James Eaton
Abby E. Eaton
Melinda J. Eaton
B.B. McClellen
Lucy Beatty
Harvey Fry
Mary E. Trosper
Mariah Fry Blankenship
Rebecca Saylor
Sallie ( Sarah ) Clouse Phipps
Mattie Blankenship
Carty Guinn
Cordelia Disney
Leeander Clouse (Minister)
Mecca Clouse
Emily A. Clouse
Ezekiel Clouse
Laura Clouse Cornn
Mary Shelton
George Isreal
Archibald Beatty
W. J. Peavley(R)
Mattie Peavley (R)
John P. Hill
Amelia Hill
Melinda Trosper
Martha E. Trosper
Alice Clouse Elam
Robert Johnson
Lewis Johnson
Rebecca Disney Johnson
Jefferson Disney
Martha Disney Carty
Margaret Disney
Alice Ray
Susan Hutton
Amelia Ray
Ida Hughs Phipps
Maggy Hughs Smith
Eliza Trosper Johnson

R.M. Trosper
Nancy Collins
Rachel Clouse Hammons
Nancy Arena Clouse Craig
Robert Shelton
Sudy Hughs
Nathaniel Elam
Allie Collins
Levi Collins
Nettie Collins
Eliza Humfleet
Arnold Clouse
Fannie Beatty Dozier
W.M. Hutton
Lucy Grinstead
Daisy Hutton Burnette
Saisy Hutton
Bessie Carty
Ida Johnson
Martha Carty
William H. Hibbard
R.B. Baker (Pastor)
Daddy Morris
Matilda Trosper
Mary Campbell Byrd
William F. Phipps
Wiley Johnson
Addie Johnson
John Burnette
John Austin
Kate Austin
Rilda Ridgell
Cram Carter
Nora Marshall
Sallie Fry
Bessie Beatty
Baraller Trosper
Axie Blankenship
John Price
John Helton
Levi Spurlock
John Blankenship
Parker Callahan
Jacob Phipps, Jr.
Jane Blankenship
Jane Austin
Jim Blankenship
Allie Price
Cordia Frasier
Laura Beatty
Maude Ray Baker
Dora Grinstead
Roxie Grinstead
Iva Grinstead

Mrs. Brock
Arnette Clouse
Isaac Fry
Nancy Dozier Moore
Seuella Disney Miles
Letty Clouse Garland
Melia Jane Eve
Viola Ray Owens
Hellen Gilliam
Lucy Prince
America Prince Warren
Lola Beatty Carty
Martin Prince
Abner Blanton
Mrs. Abner Blanton
Garfield Gilliam
Lizzie Gilliam
Melia Hammons
Eva Blankenship Sullivan
Clara Beatty Wilson
Sallie Parrott
James Steel
George Clouse
Almira Clouse
Isaac Pittman
George Early 
August Ray Eagle
Sam Miles
Lona Burnette Helton
Fletcher Sparks
Sarah Burnette Helton
Rachel Prince
Walter Hammons (Pastor)
J.C. Clouse (John Calvin)
P.J. Disney (John Parks?)
W.F. Phipps (William Franklin)
Mary J. Campbell
Frank Campbell
Frank McDonald
George Bunch
Lockie Campbell Ashley
Georgia Grindstead
Ruth Johnson
D.M. Covington (Pastor)
James Sloane
John T. Shelby
Oppie Blankenship Shelby
W.M. Hammons (Pastor)
Lucy Prince
Ellen Prince
Major Prince
Gusta Karr (Pastor)
Hester Clouse Robinson

Mary H. Phipps Hensley
Nannie Burnett Goodhue
Earnest Burnette
Rhoda Peavley
Viola Phipps Vaughn
Nannie Peavely Dishey
Roosevelt Helton, Goodin, Blair
Eva Trosper Baker
Bertha Peavley White
Roy Disney
Cornelias Pickard
Robert Hensley
Esaw Disney
Walter Elam
Alvin Elam
Dora Clouse
Abby McDonald
Maude Ridgell
John Ridgell
Melia Disney Garland
Vashlti Ray Crook
Malissa Helton Clouse
Roxy Ray Mullins
Elizabeth Sulfredge, Mills, Helton
Louella Houndschell
Nancy Louanna Hensley
Thelma Shelby
Ethel Ridgell
Rachel Prince
Lillie May Hensley Patley
Frank Bruner
Garrad Pittman
M.G. Riley (Pastor)
Eliza Adkins Turner
Elta Owens Baker
Mary E. Phipps (Elizabeth)
Maude Fry Baker
Arretha Blankenship
Versia Johnson Clouse
Mattie Grace Clouse
Ida Pickard
William F. Phipps (Pastor)
Joe Fry
Rhoda Fry
Rachel Elam Cheek
Martha Elam Jackson
Ashley Garland
T.G. Gilliam
Rose Phipps Johnson
J.W. Masters (Pastor)
Ben H. Higgins
Della Higgins
Thelma Sulfredge
Matilda Hensley
Dan Doby

Sarona Hensley Hibbard
Maggie Johnson Morgan
Effie Johnson
McKinley Hensley
Portland Disney
Joe Phipps
Martin Burnett
Boyd Disney
Hardford Garland
Luster Johnson
Nannie Grace Hurst
Isaac Fry
Ersie Lockard Robinson
Nora Lockard Smith
Nanna Lockard (Nannie)
John Austin
Lizzie Helton
Elva Lee Helton
Mollie Fry
Jasper Young (Pastor)

These are in order as they came into the church.
Connie also has the membership Roll from 1925 to 1983.

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