
Knox Historical Museum

History & Genealogy Center

Established 1987 in Barbourville, Kentucky
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I would like to thank God for the freedom we as Americans have to worship as we feel led. Without this freedom we would never had a church to worship in or a history of which to write about.

I would like to take this time to personally thank several people who helped me with newspaper clipping and material to do my research with: John Valentine was my most eager helper; he wrote down information for me that he could remember and that he had read. He contributed pictures and a start to begin with. John is a retired school teacher and he used those skills in helping to correct my spelling; I can truthfully say that without John I would never have completed the history of the church.

To Mary Alice Messer: I thank you for reading and rereading all those typed pages and for telling me when I had repeated information. To Jakalyn Jackson: I had not had the pleasure of meeting her until she called me and volunteered to give me some material that I found was very valuable to the history. I would like to thank Jakalyn for taking the time to meet with me and let me copy the materials that she had. I thank Dr. Warren Robbins for sending me a copy of the original minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Church and several pages of information that I used in my research. To Jim Amis, who I never met, I would like to thank you for sharing your memories and the valuable information that your father passed on to you; without Jim's information I seriously doubt I could have written such an interesting detail of the early church. Thank you to the Kentucky Baptist Archives for sending me several copied pages that gave me facts about the early church and the Association. Thanks to David Lyons for providing all the old Associational minutes that you had. Thanks to Susan Arthur for all the information she wrote in her work for the Historical Museum. I read and studied Susan's work and came to know more about Flat Lick and the church than I ever hoped.

I would like to especially thank Tim and the children for putting up with me while I was working on this history. I hope and pray that the church is here another 180 year; and that somewhere down the road another history will be written then so that all those faithful few will not be forgotten.

The Concord Baptist Church was founded in Thomas Arthur's livinq room in 1812. At the business meeting of the Cumberland River Baptist Church on the first Saturday in October 1813 a petition was presented by William Hooper and Thomas Arthur Sr., to form the "arm" of the church at the Concord meeting house in Flat Lick, Kentucky. Thomas Arthur Sr. along with several other men had built a log structure on the hill behind Thomas Arthur's home, the approximate site where the building now sets. On the following Saturday Elders Elijah Foley, Moses Foley Sr. to form the "arm" of the church at the Concord meeting house in Flat Lick, Kentucky. Thomas Arthur Sr. along with several other men had built a log building on the hill behind his home, the approximate site where the church stands today. On the following Saturday Elders Elijah Foley, Moses Foley Sr., Joseph Stephens, Andrew Evans, Thomas Prichard and Peter Engle complied with the request and duly constituted the Concord Baptist Church. This was the first "arm" off the Cumberland River Baptist Church to become a separate church.

According to records of November 1813, one month later, seventy-five members were granted letters of membership to Concord Baptist Church. Thomas Arthur Sr. and his wife Sarah and their son Thomas Arthur Jr. and his wife Sallie were listed as some of the first members at Concord. Moses Foley from the Cumberland River Baptist was recognized as the first pastor.
I was told that when the members were meeting in the homes that Ambrose Arthur let them use his home for the meetings also.

Noted in the minutes of the Cumberland River Baptist Church, later renamed First Baptist of Barbourville, that the following preachers pastored at the church in the early years: Blackqrove Hopper, William Hickey, Thomas Marcey, Ebenezer Ingram, John H. Bingham and John G. Amis.

Issac Horn was known as a zealous preacher of this time: although we have no record that he was pastor, I thought this was interesting information about some of the preachers of that time. Brother Horn was born in Knox County in 1819; early in his life he united with Concord but was not ordained to the ministry until around 1881, when he came under the hands of John H. Bingham, John G. Amis and J.H. Madox. From that time until his death he was very active in his calling; it was said that he baptized over 400 converts, He died of pneumonia in the spring of 1877.

John G. Amis was known as a most enterprising minister: he was Chairman of the Missionary Board. He pastored Concord while pastorinq three other churches at the same time. During these early years the church was thought to have been supplied by circuit preachers. Preachers traveled from town to town and preached the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever they were invited. Because of the distance they traveled and because they visited so many different churches they were often pastor of more than one church at a time. Times were hard and the people poor but the preacher never left without being paid something. Pay was often in the form of chicken or possibly fresh eggs or vegetables from the garden.  Can you imagine having to carry a chicken on horseback for several miles.

In 1813 the church was meeting in the log building; so meeting in the building were the Christians, Methodist and Baptist. They took turns using the building.  The Baptist used the building on the second and fourth Sundays and the Methodist on the first and third Sundays.  The log building served as the church for 38 years. In 1851 the log building burnt down; no one seems to know exactly how this happened.  Several men worked to build a new building; poplar trees were cut from the woods around the church to make boards.  The split shingles were shaven by hand.  The building was 20 x 40 in size.  In 1852 the members begin meeting in the new building.  The baptist members used the building two weeks and the Methodist the other two weeks.  This was recorded as the first church building in Flat Lick during the time.  The slaves were members of the church along with the white members until there was a "Black" church organized.  Some of the slaves are buried in the cemetery beside the church along with the remains of several Union Soldiers who died in a Union hospital a that was in Flat Lick during the Civil War.  This past Memorial Day a young man from Middlesboro came and put flags on the graves of the soldiers; his great-great Grandfather was thought to have been one of the soldiers buried here.

We could find no record of the pastors in the frame building until 1916; Reverend Joe Blackburn from Barbourville came to pastor until 1920.  Years later he returned to pastor for another year.  In 1920, Dan Roe came to concord as pastor; he pastored until 1923.  He was later listed in the Associational minutes of 1938 as pastor of Greasy Creek. 1923-1924 Pastor Tonny Gray.  In 1925 Reverend Jim Bright came to Concord.  He was remembered as a former superintendent for the Knox County Schools; he pastored the church for one year.  In 1926 Reverend Jeff Baker came to pastor at Concord.  The only records we could find of Reverend Baker's time here was in 1929; number of enrollment was 138, the church met twice a month.  Church clerk was Mossie Black of Barbourville,  Sunday School Superintendent was R. S. Amis.  Brother Amis was also a Sunday School teacher.  Messengers to the South Union Association were: R. S. Amis.  The church reported two deaths: Nelson Gray and Jane Norris.  Other ordained ministers who lived in the area were:  Milton Scalf.  Brother Baker pastored Concord until 1930.  In 1930, Reverend Marcum Smith came to be our pastor.  Services were held on the second and fourth Sundays; the church observed the Lord's Supper once a year.  The church reported they had 83 members with two baptisms during the year.  The Church Clerk was William Dean.  The Sunday School Superintendent was not listed at this time.  During the year two revivals were held at the church.  The pastor was paid $5.00 a month; the total expenses of the church for year of 1930 was $177.00, this included the pastors pay. Messengers representing Concord at the Association for that year was: M.S. Amis, and George Renfro. Reverend Smith had two daughters named Gracie and Deloria. Deloria (Grannny Broughton) is now one of the oldest members of the church. Granny attends faithfully to her church and the members love her dearly. On Mother a Day this year she was recognized as the oldest mother present.

Around 1932 several members gave $500.00 to begin the construction on the cobblestone church. Reverend C.E. Maxwell was said to be the pastor at this time. Construction took almost two years. The building was two stories as it is today: except the basement was not used. Completion on the building was sometime around 1934. The Baptist members bought the property from the Methodists. This is what was on the deed: The deed states that this conveyance dated on October 22, 1934 between the Board of Trustees of Gray M.E. Church and the Trustees of the Concord Baptist. Trustee listed on the deed were: C. A. Mills. Mrs. J.H. Slusher, and R.S. Amis. The church paid $30.00 for one acre of land on which the church building set.

The frame building had served as the place of worship for the members of Concord for 82 years when it was torn down in 1934. During those 82 years hundreds of people passed thru Concord and they all were important whether they held a position in the church or not.

*Special Note* We found this information reguarding Roadside Baptist Church in the Associations minutes for that year.
PETITION FOR MEMBERSHIP The Roadside Baptist Church, which was organized on April 17, 1938. and is located two miles south of Barbourville on 25E, petitioned membership in the Association. The moderator appointed H.C. Chiles and D.M. Walker to examine the credentials of the church and report to the Association. After investigating the same, this committee recommended the admission of this church. The recommendation of this committee was unanimously adopted by the Association. (This was the South Union)

In 1934-1935 W.M. Hunley served as pastor. There are no records to he found either in the Associations minutes or church minutes about the time of Reverend Hunley's services here. In 1935-1936 C.S. Wilson came from Louisville to pastor here at Concord. He donated seats and a piano to be used in the new church building. In 1936-1937 Brother Jim Bright a former pastor returned. In 1937-1938 George Gregory served as pastor. During 1938-1945 G.T. Hunley pastored at Concord. Although the church had not lettered with the Association for several years we were able to gather these bits and pieces of information: John Valentine was recorded as joining the church in 1940. Around 1943. the Stockton Valley Association and the South Union Association joined together to establish the North Concord Association. The church was in the South Union Association up until this time; the South Union Association covered parts of Knox and Bell County. According to the Kentucky Baptist Association, Concord had been in the Association since the church was organized in 1813.

In 1945-1946 John Smith served as pastor.  In 1946-1947 Robert Case was pastor.  In 1946, Mary Valentine joined the church.  In 1947, the church lettered with the North Concord Association and we were able to gather the following information: other ordained ministers who attended Concord as members were: James Amis. Deaths recorded in the church during 1946-1947 were: Miss Norma Lee Jackson and Mrs. Saillie Baker.

During 1947 H.C. Sutton served as pastor. Reverend Sutton stayed at Concord for only a short time. In 1948 Reverend George R. Williamson left Old Flat Lick to come pastor at Concord. The church reported the following: The membership of the church was 190: with two revivals recorded: the pastor baptized 12 new members. Sunday School Superintendent was James Amis: the church had 109 enrolled with an average attendance on Sunday morning of 68. The pastor was paid $60.00 a month. Messengers to the Association were; Mrs. Ruby Cunningham. Mrs. Lois Hobbs, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. Effie Sutton, Sally Taylor, Martha Collins and Mary Slusher. In 1948 the church set aside three men for deacons: John Valentine, Harold Jackson and Brother Cunningham.  In 1949, pastor George Williamson; Sunday School Superintendent was Harold Jackson; Sunday School Enrollment was 126. Church Clerk Park Mills; church membership totaled 204; Six members were recorded being accepted by baptism in to the church Pastors salary was somewhere around $85.00 a month. Delegates to the Association were: Harold Jackson, Sam Gambrel, John Collins, Edith Jackson, Morehead Bingham and Axie Slusher. Deaths recorded were: William Dean, who had served the church as deacon for several years, the church mourned the lost of their dear-friend. Other ordained ministers who attended Concord were James Amis and H.C. Sutton. In 1949 the church ordained John Valentine, Harold Jackson and Brother Cunningham as deacons. The clerk who recorded this was Edith Jackson. Pastor Williamson left Concord after serving the church for four years. During the time that he was pastoring here at Concord he pastored at Cole's Grove. He held services every Sunday at Concord and held three services a month at Cole's Grove.  During 1951-1952 W.M. Garland pastored at Concord.  1952-1954 Howard Cook was pastor.  We were unable to find any minutes to tell how the church was doing at this time.  In 1954-1957 Paul Flowers pastored at Concord; Brother Flowers we learned was attending Clear Creek. Many of the preachers who came to Concord were students at Clear Creek; often they left the church after they graduated.  In 1957, reverend Thornburg came to Concord from Clear Creek, he was a student.  In November of 1957 the church called to order a special business meeting because of the resignation of the church clerk:  Joyce Stewart. A motion was made and seconded that the church accept Edith Jackson as the church clerk. Edith resigned as Church Treasurer and Mary Slusher was elected a the new treasurer. A motion was made in December's meeting to give the pastor and his family a Christmas Vacation. Thelma Bingham was appointed as the church clerk; the position was vacant due to the resignation of Edith Jackson. In April 1958 the church voted to allow the Flat Lick School have their 8th grade graduation at the church. In December of 1958, the church voted to give out treats on Christmas day a tradition we still have now. The following persons were appointed on a committee to fix the treats: Harold Jackson, Bill Baker, Morehead Bingham, Dorothy Amiss, Thelma Bingham and Nora Renfro.

February 1958, the church met for regular business meeting the church appointed a committee to select an evangelist for the upcoming revival. The committee was: Dora Dean, horehead Bingham and Sam Gambrel. There was discussion about buying new pews for the church: the church had set aside the first Sunday of each month to take up money for the building fund. April 1958 the church voted to allow Flat Lick School to again use the church for their graduation. In June the janitor, Everett Collins resigned his position. The pastor volunteered to perform the duties of janitor at no cost to the church.

In September 1959, the church voted to license Brother John Collins to preach the gospel. Dec 1959 the church voted to accept Mary Stewart and Annie Botkins into the church as members. At this time Nora Renfro was the church clerk. Other ordained ministers living in Flat Lick were: James Amis, Earl Hammons (pastor at Old Flat Lick), Sherman Mills, Brother Thornburg (him and his family lived in the parsonage) and D.M. Walker. Obituary report for that year was: Mrs. J.B. Mills and Mrs. Jackson.

In May 1960 the church voted to allow three ladies of the church to serve as janitors: Bernice Marlow, Penny Burton and Sylvania White. Brother Spencer Bain was accepted into the church as a new member. The following persons represented the church at the Association: Sam Gambrel, Axle Slusher, Morehead Bingham, Harold Jackson and John Collins. Reverend Thornburg graduated at Clear Creek in the spring and resigned in September of 1960. After Brother Thornburg resigned Reverend Maxwell from Clear Creek came to serve as interim pastor until a new pastor was found. In the fall of that year Brother Eleazer Benenhaley was invited to come conduct a weekend revival; he was later elected as our new pastor in 1960. Brother Benenhaley was a student at Clear Creek and the church voted they would accept the conditions that he would continue going to school; he only had six months till he graduated, Recorded in the minutes of 1960; Harold Jackson stated that the pulpit committee had agreed to recommend Brother Benenhaley for supply pastor for a six month period. January of 1961, the church voted to accept Clayton Benenhaley into the church for baptism, On the January 29th meeting the church accepted Mr. and Mrs. Benenhaley as members, the vote was unanimous.  March 1961 the church voted to accept Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hubbbard into the church as members.  April 5th, the church voted to accept Pansy Baker, Mildred Howard, Shelly Pridemore, Norma Baker and Brenda Collins into the church by baptism.  The church voted to  appoint a committee to check on the wiring of the church and to install lights on each side of the church building; the committee was: Charles White and Bill Smith. Sylvania White was church clerk at this time.  She was attending high school.  When Sylvania graduated from high school she left and Kathy Hale was elected as our new church clerk. Brother Benenhaley had now been at the church for six months; the church voted to accept him as their full time pastor.  That summer Brother Benenhaley along with several other men of the church replaced the wooded framed windows in the church.  The windows were known to fall if a strong wind blew.  In August the church appointed the following to represent them at the Associational meeting:  G.T. Mills, Frank White, Harold Jackson, Sam and Gracie Gambrel.

The ladies reported that they had started a W.M.U. in August of 1961.  The officers were:  Nora Renfro, Juanita White, Nina Benenhaley, Bernice Marlow and Nannie White.  (Nannie White is now one of our oldest members).

Officers of the church during 1961 were: Morehead Bingham; Sunday School Superintendent.  The church reported enrollment of 160.  Church Clerk: Kathrine Hale, the church reported 19 members added, 12 by baptism and seven by letter.  The church membership was 289.  Pianist was Helen Mills and Song Leader was Sam Jackson.

In January 1962, the church accepted Donna Fay Baker into the church for baptism.  The rest of the minutes for 1962 were not found while going over the church minutes.  In 1963, the church discussed buying a church bus.  On February 10th, the church called a special meeting to discuss the bus; a 1951 Ford Van was found; 14 people in the church volunteered to help maintain the bus.  D.R. Mills and June Mills came to join the church pending letters from their church.  The following persons came before the church as candidates for baptism:  Mr. Hiriam Gray, Mr. John Conley and Sammie Gambrel. Brother Paul Flowers, a former pastor, came to hold the spring revival.

In 1964 Teachers and Officers elected in the church were:  Harold Jackson, G.T. Mills, Sam Gambrel (deacon).  On July 12, 1964, the church held a special business meeting to discuss a loan from the Kentucky Executive Board to install restrooms in the basement.  The church voted to take the loan on agreement that if the church borrowed the money and they ceased to be a Missionary Baptist Church that the property would be sold to pay off the debt.

In 1965, the church voted to install lights around the church and parking lot.  The church had problems before with persons breaking windows and stealing.  On Halloween night the church had of often paid someone to watch the church building, in 1965, the church voted to pave the church parking lot. Repairs made on the church building were: the front porch was in need of repairs; the shutters around the windows were replaced and the window facings painted. On May 30th the following persons were baptized: Donna Mills, Alberta Jarvis, Patrisha Dean, David Renfro, The minutes for the next two years of Brother Benenhaley's time here at Concord were not found, In 1967 Brother Benenhaley left Concord to continue with his ministry.

In 1967 Reverend Dave Deck came to pastor at Concord. We were unable to unable to find records of the first part of Brother Deck's ministry until October of 1969. October 1, 1969, the church met for their regular business meeting; motion was made by G.T. Mills that Mrs. Elizabeth Gambrel by janitor for the church; seconded by Sam Gambrel. The church accepted the resignation of Ruth Maloney as Sunday School Secretary. Charlotte Barton was elected to fill the position. Several members moved their letters over the last year or so. Discussions discontinue the bus route. On December 3, 1969, the church voted to sell the church bus and put the money into the building fund to help pay off debts. January 1970, the church met for business; the church voted to discontinue the custodian's job due to financial reasons. Rosa Valentine into the church by letter. Brother Deck handed in his resignation as were discussed. Brother Lynn Pat Robbins was contacted to come and help out at the church until a new pastor was elected. *Note* things were rough for a while but the church got back on its feet and held a note burning at the Homecoming of that year. The church retired a debt of $1000.00.

In August the church voted unanimously to elect Brother John Partin as the pastor.  The church took out a loan to remodel the parsonage.  At a special business meeting called in September the church voted to purchase a 1966 Volkswagon to be used as the church bus.  On September 30, 1970, the doors of the church were opened to receive Brother John Partin and his wife Alma under watch care of the church until they received their letters from New Home Baptist Church in Manchester, Kentucky. At this time Mossie Mills was serving as the church clerk.  In 1970 the following served as messengers Rev. John Partin, Mossie Mills, Ruth Marlow, Ruby Hills. The Chairman of the deacons was Harold Jackson; Treasurer: G.T. Mills. Pianist was Gwen Jackson.  In December the church voted to buy an organ; by January enough money was collected to purchase the organ. The church lost two of its beloved members that year: Mr. Elbert Botkins and Mr. Marvin Epperson. In 1971 the church steadily grew stronger; the old bus was sold and a larger bus was bought. In December of that year the church voted to give the pastor $200.00 as a gift to help with his Holy Land Trip. Brother Partin resigned in May of 1972. The church contacted Brother Lynn Pat Robbins to fill in until they could find a new pastor.

In August, of 1972. the church held a special meeting to elect Brother Ruble Cobb as their pastor. In November the minutes recorded: that the church gave their approval for Brother Wilbur Jackson to get a new seat for the piano. In the February 1973 meeting the church voted to carpet the isles and the vestibule. The church also voted to repair the basement windows. In July the church voted to cancel the Homecoming because the church was hosting the Association in September. The speaker at the Association was LeRoy Carnes. Brother Cobb resigned as pastor in August of that year. He left Concord to pastor Riverview Baptist Church near Mt. Washington Kentucky.

In November, 1973 the church held a special business meeting to elect a new pastor. 29 members were present. the church elected Brother Roger Cheeves as their new pastor on November 18, 1973. May 1974, the following persons were elected as officers in the church: Treasurer G.T. Mills; Sunday School Director-Jimmy Gambrel. Mossie Mills— Church Clerk. In the September meeting Mike Cox was elected as the song leader. Brother Ray Messer was ordained as deacon. March 5, 1975 Brother T.A. Sizemore made a motion to accept Brother George Renfro as deacon; seconded by Sam Gambrel. In the April meeting the church accepted the resignation of Patsy Sizemore as Sunday School Secretary and the resignation of Jimmy Gambrel as the Sunday School Director. Officers for the upcoming year of 1976 were elected: Sunday School Director-Larry Sowders, Larry was later ordained to the ministry and is now the pastor at Green Road Baptist Church; treasurer: Sam Jackson; Sunday School Secretary-Londa Sowders. The church reported an enrollment of 265, with an average of 135 each Sunday.The church reported membership of 353, with 15 baptisms and 21 additions to the church by letter or statement. Messengers to the Association were: Roger Cheeves, Mossie Mills. Ray Messer, Mary Messer, Gracie and Sam Gambrel, Debra Mills and Glessie Mills. HISTORICAL EVENTS OF THE YEAR; Dedicated water fountain in the memory of the late Mr. Caleb Jarvis. Pastor Roger Cheeves resigned as pastor in November of 1976; during his time here at Concord 213 additions were recorded to the church; some by baptism and some by letter.

In March of 1977, the church called Brother Hallie Taylor as pastor; Reverend Taylor came to Concord after pasturing at Springfield Baptist Church. We could find no records or minutes until September of 1978. Church records report that Brother Taylor resigned in August of 1978. From August until July of 1979 the church does not have specific details as to who was the pastor. I found a letter where Shane Nickel resigned: Shane was thought to have been the pastor or interim pastor during this time. In 1979 the church called Brother Clyde Leon Shade as their pastor; brother Shade was a second year student at Clear Creek. At the Homecoming Brother Neal Wade came to preach the sermon. In the September meeting the following Officers were elected; Sunday School Superintendent - Ott Jackson: Sunday School Secretary was Sharon Jackson: Juanita White-Church Clerk. Treasurer Ronnie Gambrel.
Noted in the minutes of November 1979, Sister Sue Hensley was baptized. February 1980, Hayes Hensley, LeRoy Hensley, Pappy S. Hensley all came under the watch of the church until their letters were received. March of 1980, six men where set aside as deacons: Norman Miller, Ronnie Gambrel, Landon Hinkle, Rick Lefevers, Will Jackson and Delno Mills. In June the church accepted with regret the resignation of Sam Gambrel as deacon; Brother Gambrel resigned because of physical reasons.

In September 1980 the church met and elected the follow persons as officers for the church: Sunday School Superintendent-Ronnie Corey: Sunday School Secretary- Brenda Corey. Treasurer was Ott Jackson; Song Leader-Wil Jackson. Noting Church Clerk was Sarizel Bailey. The church reported to the Association four baptisms and 10 additions to the church by letter or statement; total membership was 261. Sunday School report recorded: total enrollment of 105; average attendance was 61. Ministers licensed in the church: Joel Lytle of Pineviile, Kentucky. Pianist was Louise Mills. Death of members recorded; Mrs. Cora Mae Mills, Mr. Arthur Dean, Mrs. Letha Hinkle, Mr. Russell Fisher, in December of 1980 Steve Carney was introduced as the Youth Minister. brother Leon Shade resigned in July of 1981. Steve Carney Interim pastored until the church elected Walter Fox in September of 1981. brother Fox only stayed at the church for a few weeks; we have no record of his resignation but the church book has him recorded as leaving in October. Steve Carney was ordained January 29th, 1982. Church Clerk; Carol Brock; Pianist Debbie Evans; Treasurer: Ronnie Gambrel; Chairman of Deacons: Norman Miller. Messengers to the Association were: Steve Carney and Norman Miller. The church reported 2 revivals in 1982; Sunday School enrollment was 128; with an average of 85 each Sunday. The church reported 27 baptisms that year; with 3 additions by letter or statement. The church granted 18 letters of dismissal that year. The church membership was 295. According to the minutes of the Association Steve was listed as pastor in 1984; the church recorded 5 baptisms of 1989; 3 additions the church by letter or statement. The total number of members was 295. Sunday School Director was Charles Evans; church reported 167 enrolled with a average attendance of 80. Church Clerk: Elaine Babbs. *note* Brother Lynn Pat Robbins retired as our Director of Mission; Brother Robbins served for over 20 years. Brother Robbins helped a lot at Concord when they were without a pastor.

On May 1, 1985 Brother Roger Wolfe came to be the pastor; he was pastoring at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Laurel County. Recorded in the minutes: May 1985: Pastor Roger Wolfe, wife Pat and son Jason asked to be accepted as members by letter. George Gambrel made motion to accept them:  Norman Miller seconded the motion.  Shortly after Brother Wolfe came there were two recorded members added:  Shannon North and Sue Hubbard.  The following persons were elected as Officers for the church: Treasurer: Ronnie Gambrel; Sunday School Director - Charles Evans; the church reported 160 enrolled with an attendance of 66 each Sunday.  Church Clerk: Beverly Miller; Pianist:  Donnie Franklin; Song Leader: Rick Lefevers.  Messengers to the Association: Abbey Bays, Donnie Baker, Lee Hensley, Connie and rick Lefevers, Mary Marsee, Beverly Miller, Norman Miller, Roger and Pat Wolfe.

The church reported total of baptisms for 1985 in the church was 6: additions by letter or statement was nine.  The church recorded 290 members in 1985.  In 1986 the church reported Roger Wolfe as pastor: church membership was recorded as 301 members: 17 baptisms and five additions by letter or statement School Report recorded enrollment of 106 with an average of 55 each Sunday.  Brother Roger resigned in February of 1987.

In June of 1987 the church elected Hurla Phillips as pastor of Concord.  We have no church records at the church for the period of 1987-1992: all information will be taken from the associational minutes.

Pastor Phillips came to Concord after leaving Callihan Baptist Church.  Church Clerk for 1987 was Beverly Miller. Sunday School Director: Charles Evans, the church reported enrollment of 106 with 40 attending each Sunday.  The church reported 291 members.  Two baptisms were recorded that year; with eight additions to the church by letter or statement.  Church Treasurer: Ronnie Gambrel.  chairman of Deacon:  Norman Miller. Brotherhood director: Landon Hinkle.  Messengers to the association were: Debbie Evans, Landon Hinkle, Beverly Miller, Norman Miller and Hurla Phillips.

Brother Johnny Payne was appointed as Assistant Pastor.  In 1988, the records state:  Pastor Hurla Phillips: Church Clerk: Beverly Miller: the church reported 13 baptisms; One addition by letter: with total membership at 302. Sunday School Director Charles Evans:  The church reported enrollment of 79 with an average attendance of 48. church Treasurer: Ronnie Gambrel.  Chairman of Deacons - Norman Miller.  Messengers to the association: Charles Evans, Debbie Evans, Beverly Miller, Norman Miller, Johnny Payne and Hurla Phillips.  Deaths recorded in the church:  Mr. Van Bain.

In 1989, Hurla Phillips pastor: Church Clerk Beverly Miller: Six baptisms were recorded, seven additions to the church by letter or statement:  total membership 314.  Sunday School director Charles Evans: the church reported an enrollment of 110: with an average of 48 each Sunday.  Church Treasurer Ronnie Gambrel.  Chairman of deacons Norman Miller.  Messengers to the annual association meeting were:  Norman Miller, John Payne, Hurla Phillips, Daryl Sowders and Larry Sowders.  Deaths recorded: Clara Hammons.

In 1990 the church reported to the Association: Pastor Hurla Phillips: Sunday School Director Larry Sowders, the church reported enrollment of 110, with an average attendance of 60. Music Director-John Payne. Treasurer Ronnie Gambrel. Church Clerk Beverly Miller; the church reported 263 members; One was recorded baptized; with seven additions by letter or statement. Members lost five. Chairman of Deacons-Norman Miller. Messengers to the Annual meeting: Norman Miller, John Payne, and Hurla Phillips, During the meeting the moderator recognized John Sowders as a new minister in the Association. John was pastoring at Greasy Creek. Deaths reported in the church were: Mrs. Martha Townsley.

In 1991 the church reported the following information: Pastor Hurla Phillips; Sunday School Director Larry Sowders; the church recorded an enrollment of 96 with an average attendance of 55. Music Director Wayne Mills. Treasurer-Ronnie Gambrel. Church Clerk Beverly Miller; the church report 200 members; 5 baptisms; 12 additions to the church by letter or statement. Chairman of Deacons-Norman Miller, Messengers to the Association Johnny Payne, Hurla Phillips and Daryl Sowders.

In the spring of 1992, Brother Phillips left Concord. In May of 1992 Timothy Johnson was elected pastor. Over the last year the church as continued grow. During Vacation Bible School of 1993 the church was blessed with several young people being saved. The church now has a church membership of around 275 to 300 members. John Valentine is now the Chairman of Deacons; Bill Mills and George Gambrel are deacons at the church. The church as an active GA Program (Girls in Action); with Geraldine Mills as their leader. The ACTEENS leader is Ellen Hensley. Brother Tim Johnson has performed several marriages over the last year; in July of 1992 he performed the wedding of Jim Simpson and Kathy Collin. Kathy is now the Sunday school teacher for the younger children. In 1992 G.T. Mills served as treasurer; G.T. did a wonderful job; he is now the assistant treasurer; he resigned the position as treasurer because of his health. Brother Wayne Mills is our Youth Director; Wayne is a good Christian person and he works well with the youth; he also drives the bus. Wayne teaches the youth Sunday School Class. Mary Alice Messer is Church Clerk and Sunday School Teacher for the Adults. Kathy Babbs teaches the older children's class.

Chris Hensley is the Sunday School Direct and the Church Treasurer. Chris is a nice Christian person who serves his church faithfully. G.T.Mills is the Senior Adult Sunday School Teacher. Mariam Knuckles is the pianist at the church. Mariam does a wonderful job playing the piano; her and her sister Cora Mae Asher often sing specials together. Cora Mae Asher is the Training Union Director; we average around 12 to 15 for training Union each week. Cora Mae is also our W.M.U. Director; she does a wonderful job bringing the devotional.

Juanita White is the Sunday School Teacher for the younger youth of our church. Juanita does a wonderful job and is appreciated very much. Food Committee: Chairman-Odell Bain, Louise Babbs, Ella Collins and Mary Alice Messer. Trustees are G.T. Mills, Paul Baker, Chris Hensley; I may have left someone off this list but that does not mean they are any lass important to the church. Brotherhood Director-George Gambrell; George is famous for his gravy: just ask anyone. We appreciate George very much for the work he does in the church. The pastor Tim Johnson teaches the New Members class. The church has had several new member over the last year.
RECORDED BAPTISMS FOR 1992: Billie Joe Roark, Travis Napier, Jessica Butler, Virgie Mills, Jamie Grubb, Scotty Bays, Kenneth Murray, Joanie Grubb, Heather Grubb, Joanie Lee Hobbs.
RECORDED BAPTISMS FOP 1993: Wendy Hills. Joanie Lee Hobbs, Leslie Stennett, Smokie Mitchell, Sol Knuckles.
MEMBERS JOINED THE CHURCH IN 1992 to 1993: Gary Mills, Geraldine Mills, Thurmon Mason, Johnny Brown, Vernon Hensley, Rebakah Johnson, Heather Johnson, Shelia Johnson, Kathy and Junior Hubbard, Ellen Gooden Hensley.

List of Former Pastors


JOE BLACKBURN... 1916-1920
DAN ROE...  1920-1923
TONNY GRAY...  1923-1924
JOE BLACKBURN... 1924-1925
JIM BRIGHT... 1925-1926
R.E. TYERL... 1926-1927
DEE WALKER... 1927-1929
JEFF BAKER... 1929-1930
MARCUM SMITH... 1930-1932
C.E. BARNWELL... 1932-1934
W.M. HUNLEY... 1934-1935
C.S. WILSON... 1935-1936
JIM BRIGHT... 1936-1937
GEORGE GREGORY... 1937-1938
G.T. HUNLEY... 1938-1945
JOHN SMITH... 1945-1946
ROBERT CASE... 1946-1947
H. C.SUTTON... 1947-1948
G.R. WILLIAMSON... 1948-1951
W.M. GARLAND... 1951-1952
HOWARD COOK... 1952-1954
PAUL FLOWERS... 1954-1957
DAVE DECK... 1967-1970
JOHN PARTIN... 1970-1972
NOBLE COBB... 1972-1975
ROGER CHEEVES... 1975-1977
HALLIE TAYLOR... 1977-1978
CLYDE LEON SHADE... 1979-1981
WALTER FOX... 1981-1981
STEVE CARNEY... 1981-1984
ROGER WOLFE... 1985-1987
HURLA PHILLIPS... 1987-1992

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