
Knox Historical Museum

History & Genealogy Center

Established 1987 in Barbourville, Kentucky
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Editor’s Note: This is the history of First Baptist Church of Artemus as of 2009. This history is derived from the 150-year celebration booklet published by the Church Historical Book Team in 2009.

1859 - The beginning. According to written and copied church records our church history begins as this: On November 5, 1859 a few members from Liberty Baptist Church, few members from Concord Baptist Church and a few members from Cumberland River Baptist Church together with a number of new converts just baptized met at a point four miles east of Barbourville, KY (Knox County), on the lands of James Herndon and Matthew Smith and were constituted into the Lexington Mission Baptist Church.
The early church history committee has surmised from the history that has been "discovered" that perhaps there wasn't an actual building at this time. People were meeting in different locations and homes over this time period. We have been unable to find out any concrete information to support the "rumor" of a possible log cabin church.

Just think. Our church began before the Civil War even began! When the Civil War began, Kentucky was a border state, smack dab between the North and the South. Houses were divided. Brothers fought against brothers and fathers against sons!

At the time that our church history began, the county and country were in a great deal of turmoil. The Civil War did happen right in our midst - right in our backyards, literally. We were surrounded by its turmoil. Our church was established right before the Civil War began. Try to imagine life back then. Sons and husbands were gone from the home. Battles with cannon fire and rifle fire sounding right down the road. It should be noted that Barbourville was the place the first battle in Kentucky during the Civil War. Homes, neighborhoods and property were being raided with personal property taken. But mostly remember the loss of lives and how people would cry out to the Lord for guidance and help and comfort. Remember how our church held together through these very extraordinary and trying times.

1860 - 1874 - No local history available. *** According to local history of the church - the early history of the church was lost in a house fire of the church clerk at that time - James Woolum. (This information is from the notes of Jo Allen Broughton.)

1875 - According to the North Concord Association minutes, this is believed to be the first mention of the Lexington Mission Baptist Church. - We have one trustee listed: John H. Davis.

In 1876 - 33rd annual session was held of the NCA of United Baptists. Minutes were submitted by John H. Davis, secretary "Liberty Church" on Brush Creek, 6 miles southeast of Barbourville.

1877 - no information available

1878 - no information available

1879 - no information available

1880 - The North Concord Association numbered 24 churches with 1468 members.

1881 - The NCA numbered 27 churches with 1678 members.

1882 - no information available

1883 - Lexington Mission listed. Messengers: Joe H. Davis and John H. Davis We had increased our membership by 1 with letter. Total membership was 20. Our annual contribution was $1.25.

1884 - NCA - 41st meeting. Messengers for Lexington Mission: Joe H. Davis and John H. Davis. According to the NCA minutes: "The next annual meeting to be held with the Lexington Mission Church, four miles east of Barbourville, commencing on Friday before the first Saturday in September, 1885". The minutes were submitted by John H. Davis, Secretary of the NCA.

1885 - The 42nd NCA meeting was held at the Lexington Mission Baptist Church on September 4th, 5th and 6th. The minutes state that the Lexington Mission Baptist Church is located "4 miles east of Barbourville".
From the minutes this statement was taken. "The North Concord Association of United Baptist shall be composed of members and delegates from United Baptist Churches and Associations". Our membership had increased by 3 baptisms but we lost 3 members by dismissal and 1 member had deceased. 26 was the total membership listed and we had $1.45 total contributions. Our delegates were John H. Davis, Joe H. Davis, John M. Davis, John Corum and Joe Perciful.

1886 - No information available.

1887 - Lexington Mission had increased membership by 2 for salvation but 2 were dismissed. We remained at a total membership of 26. Our total contribution was $1.10.

1888 - There wasn't any information listed in the NCA minutes. (Up to this point the community is called Elon).

1889 - Our membership increased by 1 by salvation and 3 by letter. Our membership was now 44 members and we gave fifty cents / $0.50 total contribution.

1890 - Lexington Mission - we increased by 1 with letter. We had 27 total membership and we weren't able to contribute any money.

1891 - The 48th meeting of NCA was held. The Lexington Mission had 44 total enrollment. The minutes state "no letter or delegates submitted".
* The Artemus Post Office was established in June. Ira Partin was postmaster from October 1891 to June 1893.

1892 - The 49th meeting of the NCA was held at the Harmony Church in Bell County. Ira Partin gave the devotion exercise for the morning session. Our messengers listed were: Ira Partin, S. Pierce, J.S. Main, B.F. Main, J.B. Corum, H. Rains. Ira Partin also gave the annual sermon in the evening session. Superintendent was listed as James Durham of Artemus. We had a total membership of 51 (last years totals) with an increase of 10 by baptism, 10 by letter. We also had a decrease of 2 by letter. This brings our total membership to 69. This is the first known listing of a pastor: Ira Partin. Our church clerk is J.B. Corum.

1893 - This is the 50th meeting of the NCA. Our only listed messenger was our Pastor: Ira Partin. The minutes state "For the 1894 meeting, Ira Partin was chosen to preach the next annual sermon. Rev. AC Baird was alternate". We now have 75 present membership with an increase of 10 by baptism and 8 by letter and 3 by restoration. Clerk was J.B. Corum.

1894 - Messengers were Ira Partin, J.B. Corum and William Laws. According to the minutes, we had a decrease of 21 - 2 by letter, 2 by death and 17 by exclusion. At this time, we do not have a pastor listed. According to the minutes, Ira Partin was listed as pastor of Centennial Church in Bell County. Clerk: John B. Corum

1895 - 52nd meeting of the NCA - Messengers: Ira Partin, Shelton Partin The Lexington Mission had an increase of 14 by baptism, 6 by letter, 2 by restoration and a decrease of 2 by exclusion. 44 is the present membership. Church property was listed as $200 in value.

***At this point in the North Concord Associational history there was a decision to split the Association into North (Knox) and East (Bell).

***In 1895, Ms. Rice sold land to the Lexington Mission Church for the purpose of constructing a building of worship for the Artemus Baptist Church. Size of the lot was 50 ft. x 102 ft. Ms. Tabitha Rice then donated the price of the land ($100.00) right back to the church. Original signers of the deed were Ira Partin, J.B. Corum and G.G. Rice.

*** The deed for the first church is recorded in Deed Book U, page 374 dated 12th day of July 1895. Size of the lot is to be 50 ft. by 102 ft. According to past history records the first church sat in the same or near the same location as our present building. It contained one large room and the door opened the same as our present structure. "Leslie Campbell remembers the church being surrounded by trees and made out of rough clapboard ".
Pastors listed: Ira Partin and AC Baird (both were listed in 2 separate entries in the minutes). Church clerk: JB Corum.

***From a community note found in the Lancaster, KY newspaper The Central Record - "Mrs. Ira Partin will leave next Saturday to visit relatives in Artemus, Knox County. Rev. Partin was pastor at that place for five years".

1896 - The church is still listed as the Lexington Mission. We have 44 in regular attendance.
We have had an increase of 36 by baptism, 7 by letter. There was a decrease of 6 by letter, 2 by exclusion, 1 by death. This increased our membership to a total of 88. Messengers: RD Marsee, WR Marsee. The church was listed as having a property value of $500 with a building capacity of 400. Pastor A.C. Baird. Clerk was J.B. Corum.

1897 - 54th annual meeting - the number for total membership was 80. We had an increase of 10 by baptism, decrease of 6 by letter, 2 by exclusion and 2 by death. Pastor listed as A.C. Baird. Clerk is J.J. Corum. A.C. Baird delivered the annual sermon. Pastor's annual salary was listed as $14.60.

* This is the first year we are listed as Artemus Baptist Church.

1898 - 55th annual meeting - Messengers: G.G. Rice, W.R. Marsee. Pastor: W.H Burch. Clerk: John N. Davis. Note from NCA minutes: "After reports were given.... The clerk then rec'd from Artemus Church $1.50 by W.R. Marsee and G.G. Rice to be equally divided between the Orphan's Home, Ministers' Aid Society and District Missions." We had an increase of 2 by experience and a decrease of 3 by letter and 1 by death. 79 is the present total membership. $600 is listed for the value of the church property and $90 is listed as the pastor's annual salary.

1899 - Messenger was W.R. Marsee. Pastor: W.H. Burch. Clerk: Ora Corum. The church experienced an increase of 2 by restoration but a decrease of 7 by letter, 7 by exclusion, and 1 by "erasure". 66 is the present membership. 79 was reported last year. $500 is listed as the value of the church property. $41.00 is the annual salary for the Pastor Burch and we used $41.00 in church expenses.

***During 1899 in Barbourville, the Barbourville Baptist Institute was organized with R.L. Baker as the first president. J.T. Stamper was listed as a trustee as was J.H. Davis. W.R. Marsee was listed as a major contributor. This school continued in operation until the end of the school year 1935.

1900 - Messengers to the NCA are W.R. Marsee and R.D. Marsee. The pastor is W.R. Burch. Clerk is Ora Corum. We had an increase of 4 by baptism, 2 by letter, a decrease of 1 by letter, 3 by exclusion and 1 by death. 67 is our present membership.

1901 - The 58th meeting of the North Concord Association was held at the Artemus Baptist Church. The meeting was held on October 11, 1901. W.H. Burch was our pastor as well as the moderator of the annual meeting. Messengers were P.G. Petry, W.H. Bryant, J.M. Davis, George Holt, and G.G. Rice. There was an increase of 26 by baptism, 10 by letter with a decrease of 3 by letter and 2 by exclusion. 98 was our present membership. 67 was report last year. Ora Corum is listed as our clerk.

1902 - Messengers are listed as R.D. Marsee, W.R. Marsee, Miss Victoria Rice, G.C. Rice and G.W. Holt. Our Sunday School Superintendent is G.C. Rice.

1903 - We did not have any history listed in the NCA minutes.

1904 - Messengers to the North Concord Baptist Association are Jerry Pierce, R.D. Marsee. Clerk is W.R. Marsee and our Pastor is A.C. Baird.
*From the July 1904 Artemus news in the Mountain Advocate - "The series of meetings conducted by Revs. Tye, Baird and Robertson has just closed. Much good has been accomplished and several additions to the church-house resulted from the meetings. Besides the church the neighborhood has undergone a general revival".

1905 - Messengers are John M. Davis and the clerk is W.R. Marsee.

1906 - Messengers are R.D. Marsee, Henry Patterson and Mary Patterson. Our pastor was R.B. Tye and the clerk is listed as W.R. Marsee.

1907 - No messengers are listed. Clerk is W.R. Marsee.

***In this year the "Kentucky Baptists adopted the Layman's Movement, this later became Known as Brotherhood".

1908 - Pastor is J.T. Stamper (formerly noted as a trustee for the Barbourville Baptist Institute). Clerk is W.R. Marsee.

1909 - Pastor is Ralph Mays. Messenger is W.R. Marsee and the clerk is B.A. Rice

1910 - The messengers listed for the North Concord Association annual meeting are B.A .Rice, J. W. Hemphill and W.R. Marsee. Clerk is J.W. Hemphill and the Sunday School Superintendent is W.R. Marsee.

1911 - The messenger is J.W. Hemphill. Mr. Hemphill is also listed as the Clerk. J.T. Stamper is listed as our pastor.

1912 - No messengers were listed for the NCA meeting. Clerk is J.W Hemphill and the Sunday School Superintendent is W.R. Marsee.

***WMU began.

1913 - No messengers listed. Clerk is J.W. Hemphill and S.S. Supt. is W.R .Marsee. Pastor is W.C. Warren.

1914 - NCA messengers: W.R. Marsee and T.J. Payne. Clerk is J.M .Davis and our pastor was W.C .Warren.

1915 - Messengers are: W.R. Marsee, G.G. Hammonds. Clerk is T.J. Payne and the S.S. Superintendent is L.M. Lyons. Pastor is J.A. Lowery. Total membership is 177.

1916 - Messengers are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Webb, T.J. Hammons, Mrs. T.J .Payne, Mrs. Martha Davis. SS Superintendent is L.M. Lyons and the clerk is listed as W.W. Lawson. Pastor is J.A. Lowery. Total memberships is 108.

1917 - Pastor is J.A. Lowery.

***The Artemus School is built in 1917-1918.

*** J.A. Lowery is also listed as the principal of the Barbourville Baptist Institute.

1918 - Clerk was W.W. Lawson and our pastor was W.C. Warren.

***According to the Barbourville Advocate in 1910, W.W. Lawson was also a teacher in the Knox County School system.

1919 - Our pastor was Walter Hurd. Clerk is W.W. Lawson. Membership was 96. We had an increase of 4 by baptism and 1 by letter. We had a decrease of 3 by letter and 1 by death. The Pastor's salary is $180.00.

1920 - Our pastor was E.E. Brewer. There was no other information listed. 95 was listed as the total enrollment.

1921 - Pastor was W.C. Warren. Messengers were Herman Sowders, Fielding Gibson. Clerk is W.W. Lawson.

***L.E. Curry is listed as being a principal of the Barbourville Baptist Institute.

***According to the NCA minutes L.E. Curry is listed as our pastor.

1922 - Pastor was W.C. Warren. NCA delegates: Herman Sowders, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding Gibson, John Hill. Clerk is Lewis Webb. Treasurer is John Hill. SS Superintendent is Lewis Webb. Secretary is Wenonia Hill. Pastor's salary is $200.00.

1923 - Our pastor was J.A. McCord.

*** According to the History of Bell County - J.A. McCord was listed as the pastor of the First Baptist of Pineville from 1915-1919.

1924 - Pastor Walter Hurd. Messengers were listed as Fielding Gibson and the Rev. T. G. Hammons.
***timeline info - "Interested Baptists purchased 450 acres of land near Pineville for the purpose of developing a permanent summer assembly - Clear Creek Mountain Springs Baptist Assembly was established under the leadership of LC Kelly. It offered VBS, camps for boys, summer Bible schools and schools for preachers".

1925 - Pastor was Walter Hurd. No messengers were listed.

1926 - Pastor was L.P. Manis. Messengers were J.F. Woolum, Fielding Gibson, Thomas G. Hammond and Lu Webb. Clerk is Laurence West.

***from the booklet "A Roadmap to the Past" - A year of great revival held by the Montgomery brothers from Georgia - 100 souls were saved - among them Eulah Campbell (Mrs. Stone Miracle), (see baptisms)

1927 - Pastor was L.P. Manis. Clerk was M.A. Bizzell. Messengers listed were Fielding Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, G. Hammons, Senior Frederick.

***From the June 12th 1955 program of dedication "On Sunday, August 14, 1927, our main auditorium was dedicated".

*In the Mountain Advocate for August 12, 1927, "The Baptist Church of Artemus will have all day services Sunday August 14, 1927. Dinner will be served on the ground. Services begin at 11am.

* According to the August 19, 1927 Barbourville Mountain Advocate - "Bro. L.C. Kelly of Pineville and Bro. C.M. Thompson, Jr. of Barbourville assisted Bro. L.P. Manis last Sunday in the dedication of the Baptist Church. Wm. McDonald of Barbourville was a welcome visitor here at the dedication last Sunday. He is 94 years old and active. He was accompanied by his son T.H. McDonald.

***In a letter sent to the "2009 Homecoming Committee" from Ada Lisa Campbell Kern dated July 1, 2009. ***"This story was told to me by my father, Ted Davis Campbell: When the new church was being built in the 1980's, a church member questioned what would happen to the chandelier in the old church. He asked the church to give it to him and it caused a little controversy. It was suggested that it be sold at auction for a fund raiser. The "board" voted to keep it and to let it continue to hang in the church. The ceilings were lowered and the chandelier was to remain hanging My Dad was puzzled as to why a member would request to have the chandelier. He said, "I don't know why he thinks he should have it. The chandelier was bought by old man Croley (John Will Croley - father of Ms. Marie Croley) for the church. When the brick church was finished, John Will gave the brass chandelier, the bell, and the grand piano to the church as a gift". My father said that his father told him about it. John Will was one of, if not the wealthiest man in Knox County at the time. He was a good friend to my grandfather, William Jackson Campbell who helped build the brick church.
My Grandfather hauled bricks in his wagon from the brick yard in Barbourville to build the new brick church. Note: I (Ada) do not know if this is a factual story. I only know that it is what was told to me by my father. Signed Ada L. Campbell.
***The following memory pertains to the same ideas mentioned later in Ada's note from Leah Jane Lawson Bargo. "(Uncle) Leslie has memories of riding with his father, William Jackson Campbell, to haul the bricks to build the church".

1928 - Pastor was L.P. Manis. Clerk was Inez Woolum.

1929 - The North Concord Association held their 86th annual meeting. Messengers were R.B. Tye, Stella Williams, Fielding Gibson. Ordained ministers: R.B. Tye, Thomas H. Hammons. Licensed minister listed as being affiliated with the Artemus Baptist Church was J.F. Woolum. Sunday School Superintendent was L.P. Webb. Deaths listed for the church was A.H. Owens, Elijah Eversole. L.P. Manis was listed as our pastor. He earned $188.00 for the year. Up to and including this time period we were only meeting the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Total membership was listed as 279. The church property had increased in value to $8000.

1930 - Messengers were Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Tye and Fielding Gibson. Clerk was Stella Williams. SS Supt was L.P. Mays. Pastor was R.B. Tye. Pastor Bob Tye earned $124 dollars/year. 281 total membership and our property was listed as being worth $8600.

1931 - Pastor R.B. Tye. Messengers were R.B. Tye and Stella Williams.

1932 - Pastor was Tommy Gray. Messenger was Fielding Gibson and Stella Williams was listed as Clerk.

1933 - Pastor was Tommy Gray. Messengers were C.W. Jones, Grant Rice, Clyde Williams, Elvy Jones, Ora Ramsey. Clerk was Stella Williams.

***On August 09, 1933, Antony Yeager was ordained as a deacon.

1934 - Pastor was Tommy Gray. Messengers were Elva Williams and Amy Bays. Clerk was Stella Williams. Treasurer was Fielding Gibson.

***According to Mary Belle Davenport - A business meeting was held with L.P. Webb acting as moderator. This information list Airy Bays as clerk. Mrs. Davenport lists different people at some of the business meetings acting as clerk.

***According to minutes from the March 10, 1934 church business meeting - a "financial committee was appointed to look after the miscellaneous debts of the church. The Committee consisted of Mr. Airy Bays, Grant Rice and J.D. Partin. The funds to pay the light bill were to be collected by the finance committee. Also, several of the church
chairs were missing. The missing chairs were to be collected by Mr. Grant Rice, janitor of the church". (We say "Good Luck" in finding those chairs!! Ha! Ha!)

***In minutes from the Sept. 12, 1934 meeting. "Bro Airy Bays gave $1.00 to pay the light bill".

1935 - Messengers for the 92"^ annual North Concord Association were Hallie Lock, Ethel Noe and Stella Williams Johnson. According to these minutes, we do not have a pastor listed. Pastor was Rev. Jeff Baker. Mrs. Stella Williams Johnson was the clerk.

1936 - Pastor was W.E. Burton (He has a current address of Corbin, KY). We are still meeting every 2nd and 4th Sunday for church services. We have 271 total membership and the pastor is making $240.00.

***A revival was held this year by the Reverend A.S. Marsee.

1937 - Pastor was Beckham Stanley. Church clerk is Stella Williams Johnson. We have had an increase of 10 by baptism and our total membership is 279. The pastor was earning $240.00. Members appointed to be delegates to the NCA annual meeting were Hallie Lock, Mrs. (Trap) Ethel Noe Powers, Mr. Fielding Gibson, Mr. Airy Bays, Mr. Herman Sowders. Herman Sowders also acted as church clerk for the latter part of the year.

1938 - Pastor was Beckham Stanley. Herman Sowders was listed as our clerk. Our church property was valued at $8000 and the pastor's salary was $140.00. We had a total membership of 134. Our former Pastor R.B Tye was listed in the obituary list of the NCA annual minutes. From the March 20, 1938 church business meeting, "The Artemus Baptist church called to order a special business concerning Mrs. R.B. Tye being recommended to the "Baptist Old Age Ministers Aid Society of Kentucky". This motion was made and the clerk was authorized to fill out papers for same - vote unanimous.

***According to "The Roadmap to the Past" - Our membership decreased by 145 people because of dismissal "due to their continued absence from church." Delegates sent to the NCA annual meeting were Deacon G.W. Laws, Mrs. Clyde Williams and Mrs. Jesse Johnson. The church also sent $2.00 to help pay for the printing of the NCA minutes.

***According to the Sept 17, 1938 business meeting "Brother Beckham Stanley resignation was accepted. Bro A.S. (Andrew Stephan) Marsee was elected at the same meeting". This motion to elect Bro. Marsee as Pastor was made by Bro. C.W. Jones. This was seconded by G.G. Rice and the vote was unanimous.

***According to the 1955 building dedication program - A.S. Marsee is listed as our pastor.

***According to the financial statement for this time - Salary paid to A.S. Marsee for the past 3 months: May 14-$16.02, May 28-$9.17, June 11-$11.09, June 24/Revival-$62.55, June 25-$13.67, July 9-$16.74, July 23-$19.67, July 30-$7.10, Paid piano tuner-$8.00, Load coal $2.50, Song books $4.00, Advertisement for revival $2.50, Crepe paper $.20.

1939 - Pastor A.S. Marsee. Clerk is H.H. Sowders. We are meeting every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. We have had an increase of 23 baptisms. The pastor's annual salary is $412.22.

***It was noted at this time the poor condition of the roof of the church and repair was needed. An estimate was obtained for complete replacement of the roof for a sum of $355.80. A committee was formed to "solisit" money from various church members to pay for the repair. The Committee members were: Jess Stewart, Helen Webb, Mrs. Gertrude Price, C.B. Williams, Mr. Poff, Mr. Laws and Mrs. Bill (Mossie) Campbell.

***At this time our church slogan became "The friendly church by the side of the road where you are always welcome. Worship with us."

1940 - The 97th annual North Concord Associational Meeting was held at the Artemus Baptist Church. Rev. A.S. Marsee preached the introductory sermon. Messengers are G.W. Laws, Rev. W.R. Lickliter, Mrs. Dan Messer. Deaths listed from the church are Mrs. Minerva Linville, Mrs. Lizzie Scalf Smith. Rev. A.S. Marsee is our pastor. L.P. Webb is listed as our SS Superintendent and Herman H. Sowders is our church clerk. We have a total membership of 205 and the pastor is earning at this time a yearly salary of $400.88.

1941 - The NCA held their 98th meeting. Messengers are: James Black, Rev. W.R. Lickliter, Mrs. Ben Messer, Mrs. Hannah Miles and Mrs. James Walton. Rev A.S. Marsee gave the doctrinal sermon out of II Corinthians 4:5. Deaths of members were listed in the NCA minutes - Mr. James Hubbard, Deacon Thomas Poff, Mrs. Arnold Rice and Mrs. Amanda West. Our pastor was A.S. Marsee. L.P. Webb was the Sunday School Superintendent and Herman H. Sowders was the church clerk. We are now meeting every Sunday! We have had an increase of 41 by baptism. How many members of our total enrollment are regular tithers? 2

1942 - Messengers listed to the NCA annual meeting are: Mr. James Black, Rev WR Lickliter, Mrs. A.S. Marsee and Mrs. Nola Yeager. The only death listed is George W. Laws. Our pastor is AS Marsee and his annual salary is $471.57. LP Webb is the SS supt. And Hermsn [sic] H. Sowders is the church clerk. We have had this year a total enrollment of 274 members.

1943 - Messengers to the 100th annual meeting of the NCA are Nancy Ferguson, Mrs. A.S. Marsee and Mrs. Ben Messer. Deaths listed are Gilbert Jackson, Ben Matlock and Deacon John West. Pastor is A.S. Marsee. Tip Scalf is now the Sunday School Superintendent and the Church Clerk was Herman H. Sowders. Our church property was listed as a value of $8000. We are now meeting full time or every Sunday. We have a total membership of 115.

***According to the Barbourville Mountain Advocate from July 30, 1943 - Knoxville will hold revival the first 2 weeks of August".
***Also according to the Advocate on the same date - "Rev. and Mrs. Tom conducted the service on Sunday along with the Reed Singers. They were guest of Rev. and Mrs. Marsee".

1944 - Messengers at the 101st meeting of the NCA were Rev. W.R. Lickliter, Robert Creech, Mrs. Rhoda Messer, Mrs. Viola Walton and Mrs. A.S. Marsee. Rev A.S. Marsee was our pastor. Tip Scalf was our SSS and our church clerk was Herman H. Sowders. We now have a total membership of 303 with 189 enrolled in Sunday School and 59 as VBS enrollment. Preacher Marsee's salary is now $609.74. Rev. A.S. Marsee gave the annual sermon at the NCA annual meeting.

***In the February 9, 1944 Advocate in the Artemus news is "invitation inviting everyone who will come to church and Sunday School every Sunday AM & PM".

***Found in the Coalport news listed in the Advocate for June 30, 1944 was the following "choir practice at First Baptist Church at Artemus under the direction of Clabe Jones, accompanied by Mrs. Clyde Williams, pianist".
***Full page insert of copy of bulletin. From a March 26, 1944 church bulletin there were found a listing of all of the community soldiers that had gone to fight for our freedoms in World War II They were listed as "88 reasons why we should pray".

***In a November 12, 1944 church bulletin from the First Baptist Church Artemus a slogan or quote was prevalent. Bro. A.S. Marsee had a saying that called our church, "The friendly church by the side of the road where you are always welcome - worship with us". This was Rev. Marsee's vision for First Baptist Artemus - that we spread the Gospel to a lost world.

1945 - Messengers were listed as Rev. W.R Lickliter, Rev A.S. Marsee, Mr. Joe Rickett and Mrs. Viola Walton. Bro. A.S. Marsee preached the doctrinal sermon on the subject "The marks of a good Baptist". His text was Galatians 6:17. Rev. A.S. Marsee was our pastor. Tip Scalf is the Sunday School Superintendent. Herman H. Sowders is our church clerk. Deaths out of the church were Mr. S.C. Howard, Miss Hannah Miles, Mr. John W. Miles, Miss Ethel Lyons and Mr. Grant G. Rice. Preacher Marsee's annual salary was $900.00.

1946 - The only messenger listed to the 103"* annual meeting of the North Concord Association was Mr. James Black. Our pastor was Rev. A.S Marsee. Ernest Walton was the SS Supt and the clerk was Herman Sowders. We have a total membership of 297. The deaths from the church membership are Mrs. Dora Morris, and Mrs. Elsie Bays Bray.

***According to the Gospel Messenger (publication originating from the First Baptist Church of Barbourville), "Beginning April 22, 1946, Rev. H C Chiles (current pastor of the FBCB) will be preaching in a series of messengers for Pastor A.S. Marsee and the Artemus Baptist Church".

1947 - Mr. James Black, Rev. W.R. Lickliter and Mrs. W.R. Lickliter, Mrs. Rhoda Messer and Mrs. Mossie Campbell were messengers at the NCA meeting. Pastor was A.S Marsee. Tip Scalf was our SS Supt and Herman H. Sowders is our church clerk. We have a total membership of 291 and 84 enrolled in Sunday School. Our Pastor's salary is now $1200.00.

1948 - Rev. A.S. Marsee is our pastor. Tip Scalf is our SSS and Ernest Walton is now our church clerk. SS enrollment is 124 with an enrollment in VBS of 55 (average attendance of 50). Messengers to the 105th annual meeting of the North Concord Association are Rev. A.S. Marsee, Mrs. A.S. Marsee, Mrs. Joseph Rickett, Mr. Anthony Yeager and Mr. Tobiah Yeager. The only death listed out of the church are Miss Marie Gibson. Pastor's salary was listed as $1300.00

1949 - Rev. A.S. Marsee gave the annual sermon on "God's Three Eternal Things". At this time there were 41 churches in the NCA with only 8 of them having missionary organizations.
Deaths listed are Mr. Fielding Gibson, Mr. Henry Miracle and Mrs. Tinnie Pierce. Our pastor is Rev. A.S. Marsee. Tip Scalf is the SSS and the clerk is Ernest Walton. The church property is listed at $8000.

***L.W. Buchanan is licensed by church on Feb 6, 1949 and then ordained on Aug 21, 1949.

***Rev. Hugh Maxwell Hays ordained by church also on Aug. 21, 1949.

***In 1949 according to the "Gospel Messenger" (published by First Baptist Church), Mrs. Keavy Smith was elected Secretary/Treasurer of the North Concord Associational WMU.

***In a November 24th, 1959 bulletin, Rev. Marsee declared that "every member of the church should have part in the divine mission of the church... to evangelize the world. The efficiency of
the church depends upon each member whether old or young, great or small". His vision changed slightly from 1944. The slogan or theme now was "The friendly church by the side of the road where you are welcome. Watch us grow - Grow with us".

1950 - The dead listed in the NCA minutes are H.B. Fortney, Lucinda Smith, Elizabeth Stewart, Miss Malissa Rains and Jeff Mills. Rev. A.S. Marsee is our Pastor. For this year we had an increase of 45 baptisms. The minutes list "12 is the number of years our present pastor has served our church". We had 128 enrolled in VBS.

1951 - Messengers are Howard West, James Black, Eulah Miracle, Virgie Lawson, Rusha Ramsey, Dora Scalf, Amanda Foley and Elsie Campbell. Deaths listed are Milton Scalf and Rice Locke. Our pastor was A.S. Marsee. SSS is Tip Scalf and the clerk is Viola Sowders. We have at this time a total membership of 362 members.

1952 - The 109th annual meeting of the North Concord Association was held at the Artemus First Baptist Church. For the Associational meeting the food was served at the Artemus Public School. "They so graciously made available to us the use of their cafeteria". Messengers are Jim Black, Elva Williams, Anthony Yeager, Nola Yeager, Mrs. Lee Partin, George Hampton, Mrs. George Hampton, Mrs. George Davis and Herman Sowders. Deaths from the church are Charlie Laws, Mrs. Thomas G. Hammons, Jess Stewart and Joe Stewart. Our pastor was A.S. Marsee. Tip Scalf was the SSS and Viola Sowders was the Clerk. Preacher Marsee made $1200 for his annual salary.

***John Partin and Billie Marsee were ordained as ministers on December 04, 1952.

1953 - Messengers to the 110th annual meeting of the NCA are Ralph Shaeffer, Mrs. A.S. Marsee, Mrs. Columbus Mills, James Black and Columbus Mills. Deaths listed are Robert Helton. Our pastor was A.S. Marsee. Tip Scalf was our SSS and Viola Sowders was Clerk. Total membership was 364.

1954 - Rev. Marsee was the moderator and gave the annual sermon at the 111th annual meeting of the NCA. Deaths listed are W.H. Bays, Mrs. Hallie L. Mosier and Dewey Stewart. $20,000 was listed as value of the church property. Pastor was A.S. Marsee with Tip Scalf as the SS Superintendent and Viola Sowers as the Clerk. The messenger was P.L. Alford. We have a total membership of 377 with 189 enrolled in Sunday School. There were 97 enrolled in VBS and 24 in WMU.
*** A deed was signed for land to build additional Sunday School rooms. Purchased from Herman and Viola Sowders.

1955 - Messengers for the Associational meeting are A.S. Marsee, Mrs. A.S. Marsee, P.L. Alford, Ernest Walton, Mrs. Walton, Patricia Stewart, James Black, Ralph Schaffer, Bonnie Kinder and S.B. Campbell. Our pastor Rev. A.S. Marsee was the moderator. Deaths listed are J.J. Bays, Sarah Ramsey, Deacon Anthony Yeager and Deacon C.B. Williams. Viola Sowders is the Clerk and Jesse Johnson is the Sunday School Superintendent. The total value of the church property is listed at $20,000. We have 372 listed as our total membership with 110 enrolled in VBS and an enrollment in Sunday School of 168..

* notes from the dedication program - On June 12, the dedication of the new educational building / Sunday School room addition took place. The building was connected to the main church auditorium. It consisted of ten modem classrooms, two restrooms, storage rooms and a small auditorium. "A few Sundays ago marked the 16^ anniversary of our beloved pastor and his wife and children to the ABC".
* This program lists the following:
Herman H. Sowders as Chairman of the Board of Deacons and Trustee
R.B. Williams - Deacon and Treasurer
Jesse C. Johnson - Sunday School Superintendent
Daisy H. Rice - Secretary of Finance Committee and Adult Bible Class Teacher
Mrs. Ben Rice - President WMU and member of the Finance Committee
SB Campbell - Deacon and Chair of Finance Committee

***Deacons: H.H. Sowders, James Black, Frank Baker, R.B. Williams, George Hampton, Hugh Foley, SB Campbell, Howard West, C.B. Williams, Irvin Fortney and Joe Rickett.

*** In October 1955, Rev. Johnny Johns of Crouches Creek Baptist Church of Jellico, TN held a revival and there were 40 converts and 3 by movement of letter.
***According to the Barbourville Mountain Advocate on November 24, 1955 found in the Artemus News "The First Baptist Church of Artemus took part in enlargement campaign for Sunday School". This information was taken from an article in the Barbourville Advocate and also a copy of an original program from the dedication program.
***On December 15, 1955 new officers for WMU were elected in a special service at the church. President-Rhoda Messer, Vice-President-Mrs. A.S. Marsee, Secretary-Mrs. Arthur Messer, Treasurer-Mrs. Daisy Rice, Youth director and Counselor-Bonnie Kinder, Publicity-Mrs. C.K. Williams, Missions Study Chairman-Mrs. Stella Johnson, Community Mission-Mrs. Ollie Pierce and the Prayer Chairman-Mrs. Janice Jackson. At this meeting Rev. L.W. Buchanan taught the book, "A World Within A World".

1956 - Rev. A.S. Marsee was the moderator of the NCA.

1957 - Messengers to the annual NCA meeting - A.S. Marsee, Mrs. Marsee, L.W. Buchanan, James Black and Mrs. John Davis. Mrs. A.S Marsee was the Superintendent of Associational WMU and gave the WUM annual report for this time and moved for its adoption. Deaths recorded - Deacon George Hampton. For the 114th meeting Rev. A.S. Marsee was the moderator of the meeting. Viola Sowders is the church Clerk and James Hampton is the Sunday School Superintendent. We have recorded an increase of 15 baptisms, 16 by letter with a total enrollment of 419. Sunday School enrollment is 201 and we had 110 enrolled in Vacation Bible School.

1958 - Rev. A.S. Marsee was moderator for the 115 annual meeting of the North Concord Association. Messengers were Rev. A.S. Marsee, James Black and Ben Messer.
Deaths recorded were Sye Barley and Mrs. Nan Partin. Rev. A.S. Marsee is pastor. Viola Sowders was Clerk and J.B. Hampton was the Sunday School Superintendent. Discussion was held at the annual meeting concerning "that we give consideration to dividing the associational meeting next year with two churches. One day at each church. Advantages and disadvantages discussed by Bros. Marsee and Helton".

***From the Feb. 13, 1958 Advocate in the Artemus News "Mr. James Hampton, Supt of the ABC SS, met last Wednesday evening with the teachers and officers".
***From the April 17, 1958 Advocate in the "church news", "On Thursday, April 24, the Associational WMU meeting will be held at the Artemus Baptist Church. The meeting will start at 10:00am. All members and friends of the Association are invited to attend".

1959 - Pastor was Rev. A.S. Marsee with Rev. S.R. Helton taking over toward the end of the year.

1959 - Pastor was Rev. A.S. Marsee. SS Supt J. B. Hampton. Clerk was Viola Sowders. Messengers to the NCA annual meeting were Rhoda Messer, Eulah Miracle, Dora Scalf, Edna McDonald, Frank Baker, Mrs. Hubert Jordan, H.H. Sowders, A.S. Marsee, Mrs. A.S. Marsee. Deaths listed in the Associational minutes are: Robert Owen Sowders, Lily Howard and Otie Lovett.

1960 - Pastor A.S. Marsee, SSS Viola Sowders, Clerk S.B Campbell, Delegates - Hubert Jordan, Delina Jordan, H.H. Sowders, Ben Messer, Oda Walton, Frank Baker, Jim Black, Eulah Miracle, P.L. Alford and Carrie Alford. Deaths listed in the Associational minutes were: Rachel Jones, Mrs. Lee Thomas and Nellie Rickett.

1961 - Pastor A.S. Marsee. SSS James Hampton. Clerk - Viola Sowders. Delegates Rev A.S. Marsee, James Black, Cora Scalf, Ernest Walton, Ora Buchanan. Mrs. A.S. Marsee's passing was noted. Deacon Joe Rickett was listed in the obituary list. The deaths that were noted in the Associational minutes are: Deacon Joe Rickett, Mary Partin, Emeline Tye, Mary Smith and Rilla Marsee.

1962 - Pastor John Partin. SSS Jim Hampton. Clerk-Frank Baker. Messengers were John Partin, James Black, L.W. Buchanan, Dora Scalf, Elva Williams, Ernest Walton, S.B. Campbell, Stella Johnson, Mary Lawson, Lois Jackson and Eulah Miracle. The deaths listed in the minutes of the Association are: Mrs. Celia West, Mrs. Sol Messer, Mrs. Pauline Stewart Brown, Mrs. Mossie Stewart Taylor, John Murphy.

* Due to a fire at Artemus Elementary School our church was used for several months to house the school children so school could continue.

1963 - Pastor John Partin. SSS Jim Hampton. Clerk Frank Baker. Messengers PL Alford, Howard West, James Black, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walton, John Partin, L.W. Buchanan. Deaths - Bill Singleton, Haskel Bowen.

1964 - Pastor Arnold Dunn. SSS James Hampton, Clerk Frank Baker. Training Union Director- Arthur Messer. WMU President- Mrs. CK Williams. Messengers Ernest Walton, S.B. Campbell, Bitha Walton, James Black. Deaths listed were Mr. M.D. Hubbard, Mrs. Celia Scalf, Mr. Floyd Rice and Mr. Jesse Johnson.

1965 - Pastor Arnold Dunn. SSS James Hampton. WMU President Mrs. C.K. Williams. Messengers P.L. Alford, Carrie Alford, Ernest Walton, Vicie Walton. Deaths listed from the church were Mrs. Myrtle Smith, Kevie Smith.

***From the article by Jo Allen Broughton "Another dream came true. We were blessed to have a baptistery built. The baptistery committee consisted of: Howard West, S.B. Campbell, Daisy Hampton and Elva Williams. The baptistery was installed by Rev. John Partin and his brother Murrell Partin. The picture over the baptistery was painted by a Brother James Wells. Dallas Swafford was the first person baptized in the new baptistery".

1966 - Pastor Arnold Dunn. SSS James Hampton. Clerk P.L. Alford. Treasurer Ben Messer. WMU President- Mrs. CK Williams. Note in the minutes from Artemus Baptist Church states "The baptistery and two dressing rooms completed". Deaths listed in the minutes were Mrs. May Sowders Meeks, Mrs. Lucy Webb, Mrs. J.J. Bays, Mrs. Marjorett Hopper, Mrs. Perry Noe, Mr. John Nelson Johnson.

***Taken from Mrs. Jo Allen Broughton - "In June 1966 our old church seats were donated to Davis Bend Baptist Church".

1967 - Pastor Arnold Dunn. Clerk Pascal L. Alford. SSS Howard West. WMU President Mrs. CK Williams. Training Union Director Murrell Partin. Deaths listed were Mrs. George Ramsey, Robert Henson, Julie Henson, Mrs. Doris Lee Jones Brown. Messengers to the annual meeting were S.B. Campbell, Eulah Campbell, Ernest Walton, Vicie Walton, Howard West, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Messer, Daisy Hampton.

***Taken from Jo Allen Broughton's story, "In 1967, the practice of buying our pastor a suit for Christmas was established".
1968 - Pastor - none listed. Clerk P.L. Alford. Sunday School Supt. Howard West. WMU Director - Mrs. Jesse C. Johnson. Deaths listed were Mrs. Amelia Mills, Mrs. Mary Rains, Mrs. Margaret Sowders, Rev. C.E. Brown, Mr. Pleas Holt and Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson.

***In August 1968 the stained glass windows were installed in our church. They were purchased from East Tennessee Glass and Supply Co. in Knoxville, TN by Dwight Brown. Brother Dwight Brown also drew the pattern for these windows. In 1969 - Pastor Kenneth Dick. SSS Howard West. Clerk Daisy Hampton. Treasurer H.H. Sowders. WMU Director Dodie Lawson. Chairman of Deacons Arthur Messer. Music Director Orville Sowders. Pianist Elva Williams. Messengers to the annual NCA meeting were Kenneth Dick, Eulah Miracle, Dan Lockard, Howard West. We have listed 120 enrolled in VBS. Total offering $7,945.00 with 12 total tithers.

March 1969 - The church decided to observe the Lord's Supper on the 5th Sunday of every month or four times per year. In 1969, a nursery committee was appointed. Those on the committee were Lillian Lawson, Ann Bays and Jerry Williams. Age limit for the nursery was ages birth to 3, inclusive. Howard Miller of Miller-Yancey donated a carpet for the nursery. Furniture donated by various church members. In 1969 - two floor furnaces were installed in the main auditorium and central heat installed in the Sunday School rooms. -(All of the preceding information was taken from Mrs. Jo Allen Broughton's notes.)

1970 - Pastor- Kenneth Dick. SSS Howard West. Clerk Daisy Hampton. Treasurer HH Sowders. WMU Director Doddie Lawson. Chairman of Deacons Arthur Messer. Pianist Elva Williams. Messenger Kenneth Dick, James Black, Howard West, Emitt Decker, Mrs. Emmit Decker, Deborah Decker, Eulah Miracle, Daisy Hampton. We have 151 enrolled in VBS.

***In May 1970 a group of young people and adults attended the Billy Graham Crusade in Knoxville, Tn. In December 1970 the church ordained Brother Gary Hamilton to preach the gospel. The church sponsored him from June 1971 to May 1972. -(These notes were taken from Jo Allen Broughton.)

1971 - Pastor Kenneth Dick. SSS Howard West. Treasurer Howard West. Clerk Daisy Hampton. Chairmen of Deacons Arthur Messer. WMU Director Doddie Lawson. Music Director Orville Sowders. Pianist Elva Williams. Gary Hamilton was licensed and ordained. Messengers to the NCA meeting were Rev. Kenneth Dick, HH Sowders, SB Campbell, Gary Hamilton, Orville Sowders, Murrell Partin and Jack Lockard.

*** Listed in the historical events: "Artemus supported new ministry at Cole's Branch".

1972 - John Partin came to our church as pastor in May 1972. The deaths listed in the North Concord Associational minutes are: Mr. John C. Lawson, Mrs. Nancy Ellen Bain, Mrs. Laura Holt, Mrs. Eulah Grubb Campbell, Deacon PL Alford, Deacon James Black, Mr. Edward McFarland, Mr. Noah Taylor, Mr. Clifford Scalf, Mr. J.D. Partin, Mrs. Ollie Manning.

***From the minutes of October 11 "Bro Dwight Brown made a motion to approve of the rental fee of $10 to reserve a "spot" on the Court House Square for a church booth. Also, the church would pay for any lumber needed to build the booth. Lillian Lawson was selected to act as Chairman of the booth for Daniel Boone Festival".

***Taken from Jo Allen's story - "In 1972 we began sending fruits and candy to the Boone Manor Nursing home at Christmas". In 1972 we purchased an electric typewriter and a mimeograph machine".

1973 - Brother David Lundy was hired as our choir director. Also - our pastor's salary was increased by $25 per week. Deaths listed in the NCA minutes are: James B. Hampton, Frank Baker, Gabriel Gist and Marcellus Fortney.

1974 - All notes from Jo Allen Broughton. "In 1974, we raised our offering to the Kentucky Baptist Convention from 5% to 10%..

***Artemus Baptist Church met in special meeting to authorize the purchasing of a church van for $2500. The Church ended up only having to borrow $2200 because when the committee got to the bank to borrow the money, it had already been paid....

*** Lee Murphy and Tom Patterson drove the bus to Artemus from Michigan.

1974 - Carpet was installed in the main auditorium and hallways. We also purchased a movie projector under the CAVE plan. The church voted to purchase 50 new hymnals with church name on them. The church goal for the Lottie Moon Christmas offering was $350.00. Deaths listed in the North Concord Associational minutes were: Victor Jordan, Matt Wells, John H. Jones, Ledford Mays.

1975 - after much work the youth of our church purchased our first church bus.

1975 "1975-1976 were real good years for our church. The following was accomplished: The public address system was installed. Security lights were installed at rear of building. Increased our offering to the Kentucky Baptist Association from 10% to 11% and increased our offering to the North Concord Association from 3% to 4%. Deaths listed] in the NCA minutes were: Billy Marsee, Gertrude M. Jordan, S.B. Sowders, Carrie B. Lawson and Blevin Collett. Purchased a 60 passenger bus. Aluminum siding put on belfry and trim of church. New roof was installed. Purchased a projector table and file cabinet. Sent $60 to Boone Manor Nursing home to purchase bedrails. Purchased 3 Sunday School tables, 24 folding chairs and a chalkboard.
***Central heat and air installed in the auditorium and air conditioning installed in the Sunday School rooms, (the above into was taken from Jo Allen Broughton's story).

***According to the church minutes, on June 09, 1976, David Warren would be contacted to come and demonstrate an Electrolux Sweeper for the church.
***Kenneth Ramsey began a tradition and spent the next 25 years of being the "special visitor" during Christmas Eve services.

1976 - A note from the Kentucky Baptist* - "Nineteen seventy-six is a year of celebrations of the beginnings of our nation. It is the 200th birthday of the United States of America. It also marks the 200th Anniversary of the first recorded Baptist preaching in Kentucky". Deaths listed in the NCA: Gertie S. Price

*** Six deacons were ordained: HM Mills, Randall Murphy, Brad Broughton, Ted Davis Campbell, Curtis Cole and David Lundy.

1977 - Church voted to participate in a church sponsored baseball team. A dinner was held to raise money for uniforms.

***Artemus ordained Meek Massengill to preach the gospel in May 1977.
***Due to major flooding in our area, the church gave monetary assistance to 5 families and 3 organizations. Minutes from the NCA listed the following deaths: Mrs. John C. Lawson, Mrs. Roy Johnson, Nancy Jordan, Mrs. Jason Baker, Mrs. Columbus Mills, Mrs. Margaret Hubbard and Mr. Tip Scalf.

***In lieu of a suit for our Pastor at Christmas, it was decided to give the family $100.00

1978 - In March, 1978 it was agreed that the starting time for Sunday School be changed from 10:00a.m. to 9:45a.m to give teachers time to present the lesson.
***On November 03, 1978 the church voted to establish a Brotherhood in our church. H.M. Mills was voted C Brotherhood Director. The deaths listed in the NCA minutes included Mrs. Rusha S. Ramsey and Mr. Ben Messer.

1979 - Rev. Don Hildebrand elected Pastor Mar 14, 1979. Also written in the minutes: "A gift of $200.00 was sent to Oneida Baptist Institute. Judith Williams (Hinkle) elected Youth Director and Treasurer. Average attendance in Sunday School for the month of May was 116. David Lundy called as music director on July 16. Church voted to prepare a "taping ministry" for shut-ins in our community, ones in hospital and nursing homes.

*** On November 8 Brotherhood makes plans to organize the RA program. Jim Smith was voted in as youth director. Also on November 8 an offering was designated and started on our Wednesday night services for the purposes of supporting all youth programs". The deaths from the church that were listed in the North Concord Association were Mrs. Maeola Summers, Earl Reynolds, George Manning and Frank Lawson.

1980 - From minutes: Materials were purchased to build Family Life Center. Rev. Ronnie Owens was elected Pastor December 21, 1980. On January 16, 1980 motion from deacon body that the church purchase the Arnold Petry property ($11,500.00) and also the adjoining lot own by Clarence Davis ($20,000.00) for a total of $31,500.00. Motion carried.

*** Ordination service held on June 21, 1980. Deacon candidates were Roger Fee, Calvin (Sonny) Lawson, Jr., DB Jenkins, and Roy Kinder.

***The deaths listed in the NCA minutes were: Orville Sowders, Mrs. Grace Abner and Vernon Hubbard.

1981 - Rev. Ronnie Owens preached his 1st sermon on Feb 18, 1981. House and property was purchased from Herman and Viola Sowders in the amount of $120,000.00. The house will be used for the church Parsonage.
*** From the May 13 minutes: "On May 13 the church voted to purchase proposed metal building recommended by the building committee. Building will be used for a temporary auditorium". The building committee members recommended were: Ted Davis Campbell, Roy Kinder, Doug Jones, Jewell Hinkle, James Miles, Jim Smith, Cloyce Hinkle, B.F. Jackson and Bro. Ronnie Owens. The motion was made by H.M. Mills and seconded by Randall Murphy that the previously listed members be accepted and the motion passed.

*** On November 22, we held our dedication of the Family Life Center. Over 500 attended this celebration. The idea for this Family Life Center was to use it as a temporary sanctuary for our worship services.

***On May 24, 1981 the church voted to issue a license to preach the gospel to Mark Partin and B.F. Jackson.

*** The loss through death listed for our community in the North Concord Association was Douglas Ramsey, Mrs. Vicie Walton and Perry Golden.

1982 - The Knox County Christian School was founded June 1982 and sponsored by our church. The school opened on August 11, 1982. The school was one of the ministries of the First Baptist Church Artemus and "was to provide a Christ-centered education, to excel in academic standards, to develop high spiritual and moral standards and the preserve our Christian-American heritage.

Reverend Ronnie Owens was the pastor of First Baptist Artemus and the first Administrator and Principal of the new school. The school began with Rev. Ronnie Owens as principal and three teachers - Brenda Taylor, Ann Ketcham and Linda Mills. A total of 30 students were enrolled that first August 11, 1982.

Student ages ranged from 2 to 5-year-olds. By the third year the school had grown to 8 teachers, 2 bus drivers - Ora Mae Howard and Ruth Blevins - 2 secretaries - Doddie Lawson and Betty Jenkins Partin - and the school Board of Directors - Jim B. Smith, Jerry Smith, Roy Kinder and Nellie Lawson.

Since 1982 - The Knox County Christian School has been housed at several locations:
Beginning in the Educational Building of the First Baptist Church Artemus, 1990 the now called "Calvary Christian School was housed in the basement of Lowell and Brenda Jenkins' home. In 1991 the school was housed in a rent house of Obie Davis at Boone Height. In 1992 - the school was located at Sunnybrook Lane in Heidrick. In 1994 the school moved back to First Baptist Church Artemus for a short time, then moved to Gray Baptist Church at Gray, KY, moved to New Life Church in Cannon for a few months and then the building being used flooded. In 2004 the school moved to Roadside Baptist Church where it is presently located today.
1982 - On March 10, 1982 the church issued a license to preach to Tony Jackson. His ordination service was held on July 14, 1982. On April 11, 1982 the ordination services were held for Bro. BF Jackson. Bro. B.F.'s ordination took place on Easter Sunday. On May 9* ordination services for Bro. Mark Partin were held.

*** 1982 also was the beginning of the Jubilee Camp Meeting. From the minutes, "On April 28th the church voted to give Bro Ronnie permission to go ahead with plans for Camp Meeting to be held on August 17-20". A church wide fishing tournament was held the first week in May at Conley Bottoms. Deaths listed in the NCA minutes included: Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, Mrs. Shirley A Caruso, Ernie Jones and Helen Bingham.

***On April 28, 1982 the church voted to have its first Jubilee Camp Meeting. Camp would last four days with meetings morning, noon and night (and sometimes in-between!). Camp would have many spirit filled speakers, teachers and singers. Speakers have included Dr. LaVerne Butler, Dr. Don Mathis, Rev. Jimmy Robbins, Rev. Johnny Talent, Rev. Carl Simmons, Rev. David Butler, Rev. Steve Ross, Rev. Jack Kidwell, Dr. Adrian Rogers, Rev. WB Bingham, Rev. William Boyd Bingham and many more. By the annual Camp Meeting time for August of 1988, Rev. Ronnie Owens had resigned and Camp Meeting was moved to Bro. Ronnie's farm near Tazewell, TN. The name was changed to Camp Jubilee.

1983 - A building committee was appointed for building a new sanctuary. The motion was made by Bobby Taylor that the members be accepted.

*** From the minutes: "On February 20, 1983 ordination services for Paul "Buddy" Mills to be ordained as a minister of the gospel". He was also elected Assistant Pastor. The Heritage Bible Institute was established by church on June 15, 1983. Deaths listed in the NCA minutes were: Richard Hammons, Beatrice Hammons, Mrs. Lennie Davis and Jimmy McDonald.

1984 - According to the minutes: Baby grand piano was purchased in February.

*** Church ordained James M. Lawson on March 25, 1984 to the Gospel ministry. Church voted to give old piano to the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church. The piano has since been given to another church. Church purchased 100 Bibles for presentation to new converts at Baptism and 200 New Testaments for witnessing purposes. Also, this year we purchased a new van. The average attendance for Sunday School for June 1984 was 146 - July 142, August 153, October 158 and November 186. Deaths listed in the North Concord Association were Earl Anderson and Howard Sowders.
***According to "The Evangelist" newsletter put out by the church and Bro. Ronnie, the goal for Vacation Bible School scheduled for June had a goal set of 500 in attendance.

1984 - Lindburgh Ramsey's first watermelon feast was held at his home. Lindburgh celebrated his salvation by establishing an annual watermelon feast at his home. The Ramsey's were very gracious hosts. Loaded tables of food were provided, and of course, Lindburgh's famous homegrown watermelons were served as dessert

1995 - From the minutes: On June 28, 1995 the church voted to purchase a new van. Deaths listed in the NCA minutes were: Axie B. Mills, Helen Pickard, James Abner, Herman Sowders, Luster Jones, Kevie Partin and Terry Ferris.

1996 - Pastor B.F. Jackson. Music Minister - Lindburgh Ramsey. Deaths listed in the NCA minutes were: Floyd Sowders, Dora Scalf, Joe Andrews, Mrs. Eldon Walton, Richard Ross, Clodena Gist, Columbus Mills, Mayme Stewart.

1997 - Pastor BF Jackson. Director of Brotherhood - Lee Murphy. Youth minister - Cloyce and Judith Hinkle. Deaths listed in the North Concord Association were Ted D. Campbell, Arthur Foley, Betty Baker and Hubert Merida.

1998 - Deaths listed in the NCA were Ellen Bennett, Glenn Patterson, Bobby Taylor, Jack Lockard, John T. Detherage, Hermit Hembree and Elmer Bays.

1999 - Knox Baptist Association was established. Deaths listed in the NCA were Buster Hyatt, Arnold Hammons, Vernon Mills, Rev. Leamon McKinney, Rhoda Messer, Joyce Bruner and Lois Jackson.

2000 - The loss in our church through death listed in the North Concord Association is Beverly Taylor. Kevin Elliott took Mr. Kenneth Ramsey's place at our annual Christmas Eve services as a "special visitor". Kevin has enjoyed the "ho-ho-ho" ever since.

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