Vol. 5 No. 1 - Spring 1993
- The Goelman Family, by Morris Z. Effron
- Gardening Signs and Other Superstitions, by Susan Arthur
- The Lighter Side of Genealogy, by Charles S. Owens
- My Dream Come True [Indian Springs at Heidrick], by Jakalyn Jackson
- City of Barbourville Town Records, 1875-1890, Part 1, ed. David Cole and Susan Arthur
Vol. 5 No. 2 - Summer 1993
- Minton Hickory Horse Farm Exhibit at Kentucky Horse Park
- Music from a Knox County Valley: The Phipps Family Singers, by A.L. Phipps and C.R. Mitchell
- Recordings of the Phipps Family Singers
- Daniel Sibert, Early Settler, by Evelyn I. Lovell
- William Anderson "Captain Billy" Dozier, Civil War Officer, by Charles S. Owens
- Knox Historical Museum Orientation Video Highlights Major Exhibits, by Charles Reed Mitchell
- Early Businesses in Barbourville, by Jakalyn Jackson
- City of Barbourville Town Records, 1875-1890, Part 2, ed. David Cole and Susan Arthur
Vol. 5 No. 3 - Fall 1993
- James D. Black, Governor of Kentucky, by William Sherman Oxendine
- Caleb Powers' Prison Song, by Charles Reed Mitchell
- "Caleb Powers' Song—In Prison Walls," [Complete Sheet Music], by Nancy Rose Crume
- The Quapaw Indian Worldview: A Talk With Ardina Revard Moore, by Charles Reed Mitchell
- The Noah Garland Family, by Eulene Gaarland,
- Memories of Knox County: The Grist Mill, by Jay E. Leger
- Recess Games at BHS in the 1920s, by Claude W. Faulkner
- Daniel Boone Outwits His Indian Captors
- Carlos Morris, 1858-1993
Vol. 5 No. 4 - Winter 1993
- Native American Presence and Past, by Ron Rosenstiel
- The First United Methodist Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church South of Barbourville, KY, by Margaret M. Riley and C.R. Mitchell
- When Jacksons Fought in the Civil War, by Jakalyn Jackson
- Museum Wins State Education and Publication Awards
- Book Committee Now Assembling Histories for Knox Family History Book
Note: Most articles without author attribution are by the editor or compilations from older texts