
Knox Historical Museum

History & Genealogy Center

Established 1987 in Barbourville, Kentucky
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Vol. 1 No. 2 - Spring 1989

  • Famous Knox Countians: Flem D. Sampson, by William Sherman Oxendine
  • The Civil War in Knox County, KY, by David Helton
  • A White Man's Journey Over the Warrior's Path and Through Knox County in 1674 [on Gabriel Arthur], by K.S. Sol Warren
  • Madstones, Sheep Dip Tea and Other Cures, by Carlos and Lois Renfro Morris
  • Knox Countians at War Exhibit, by Susan Arthur
  • Teachers Workshop: Women in Eastern Kentucky
  • Map: The Warrior's Path, by W.E. Meyers

Vol. 1 No. 3 - Fall 1989

  • A History of Railroads and Coal in the Artemus-Warren, Kentucky Area, by Philipp Fox
  • Museum to Host Regional Workshop
  • The Daniel Boone Trail, by K.S. Sol Warren
  • A Scary Night in Barbourville [on the Martha Broughton murder], by William Sherman Oxendine
  • Chamber of Commerce Honors Museum
  • Local Oral History Project Approved, by Charles Reed Mitchell
  • Research in the Cemeteries, by Jakalyn Jackson
  • Museum to Help Compile Knox History Books for Kids, by Jakalyn Jackson
  • Map: Trails and Roads of Early Knox County, by K.S. and Dwight Warren

Vol. 1 No. 4 - Winter 1989

  • First Newspaper in Southeastern Kentucky Established in 1873 in Barbourville, by W.S. Hudson
  • The Day the Union Lost on Brush Creek [on the Harry Sims killing], by Philipp Fox
  • The Wilderness Road: Gateway to the West, by K.S. Sol Warren
  • Museum Wins Major History Awards, by David Cole
  • Emanuel Named for Early Settler, by Jakalyn Jackson
  • Map: The Wilderness Road, 1775-1795, by Robert Kinkade

Note: Most articles without author attribution are by the editor or compilations from older texts

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