
Knox Historical Museum

History & Genealogy Center

Established 1987 in Barbourville, Kentucky
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One of the main and most valuable attractions in the Knox Historical Museum's Genealogy Center are the approximately 250 family history files. The current listing is as of August 26, 2015. Updates will be added as more family histories are acquired.

Drawer #1
Abbot/Abbott, Adams, Adkins, Albright, Aldridge, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Alsip/Alsap/Alsop, Alwin, Amis, Anders, Anderson, Arnett, Arnold, Arthur, Asher, Atkins

Drawer #2
Back, Bacon, Bailey, Bain, Baird, Baker, Ball, Ballard, Ballinger, Ballew, Barbour, Barger, Bargo, Barnes, Barnett, Barton, Beatty, Begley, Beddow, Bennett, Berry, Bingham, Bird, Black, Blackburn, Blackwell, Blair, Blakley, Blankenship, Blanton, Bledsoe, Blish

Drawer #3
Bodkin, Boggs, Bolene, Bolin, Bolinger, Bolling/Bowling, Bolton, Boone, Booze, Boruff, Bowden, Box, Boyd, Bradley, Brafford, Branson, Branstutter, Bray, Brewer, Bright, Brittain/Britton, Brock, Brooks, Broughton, Bruner, Bryan, Bryant, Buchanan, Bullard, Bullock, Burch, Burk, Bunch, Burkhart, Burnett, Burnfin, Burns, Burton, Bush, Bushey, Butler, Byrley

Drawer #4
Caddell/Caudell, Cain, Calder/Caulder, Caldwell, Callahan/Callihan, Callebs, Campbelll, Canady, Cannon, Carey, Carnahan, Carnes, Carpenter, Carr/Karr/Kerr, Carroll, Carter, Carty, Castle, Catching, Catlett

Drawer #5
Cawood, Chadwell, Champlin/Champlain, Chance, Chandler, Cheshire, Chesnut/Chestnut, Childers, Chiles, Churchill, Clark, Click, Chifton, Clouse, Cobb, Cockerham, Coffey, Coffman, Cohenour, Cole, Coleman, Collett, Collins, Combs, Compton, Congleton, Conner, Connley, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Corbin, Corey, Corn, Cornelius, Cornell, Cornett, Corum, Costellow, Cottongim/Cottengim, Cottrell, Couch, Cowan, Cox, Craft, Craig, Crank, Cravens, Crawford, Creasy, Creech, Creekmore, Crews, Crisp, Croley/Crowley, Crook, Crowder, Culton, Cumstalk, Cupp, Curtis

Drawer #6
Daniel, Danner, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Dean, Deaton, DeBoard, Decker, Dees, Delph, DeRossett, Detherage, DePriest, Deweese, Dickey, Dickinson, DiMarco, Dishman, Disney/Dizney, Dispad, Dixon, Donaldson, Dorton, Douglas, Dove, Dowis/Dowes, Downing

Drawer #7
Dozier, Duff, Dugger, Dunaway, Duncan, Durham, Dyer, Eastridge, Early/Earley, Eaton, Edwards, Effron,

Drawer #8
Elam, Eldridge, Ellison, Ely/Smith, Emerson, Engle, Epison, Epperson, Estridge, Evans, Eve, Eversol/Eversole, Farley, Farmer, Faulkner, Ferguson, Fisher, Fletcher, Floyd, Foley, Fore, Ford, Fortney, Fouts, Fox, Frase, Frazier, Fredrick/Frederick, Fry/Frye, Fulks, Fuqua, Fuson

Drawer #9
Gabbard, Gallagher, Galloway, Gambrel, Garland, Garrett, Gatliff, Gaylor, Gibson/Gipson, Gilbert, Gilley/Gilly, Gillespie, Gilliam, Girdner, Glasscock, Goelman, Goins, Golden, Goodin/Goodwin, Graham, Grant, Gray, Graybeal, Green/Greene, Greer, Gregory, Griffith, Griffin, Grimes/Grymes, Grindstaff

Drawer #10
Haban, Hacker, Haddock, Hale, Halcomb, Hall, Halter, Hambley, Hamblin, Hamel, Hamilton, Hamman, Hammer, Hammons/Hammonds,

Drawer #11
Hampton, Hardin, Harmon/Harman, Harned, Harp,Harrington/Crisp, Harris, Harrod, Hart, Harvey, Hash, Hawn/Haun, Hauser, Hayden, Hayre, Hays, Heck, Hembree, Hemphill, Hendrickson, Henson, Herndon, Hensley, Hibbard, Hickman, Hickley, Hicks, Higgins, Hignite/Hignight, Hill, Hinkle, Hitch, Higdon, Hissam,

Drawer #12
Hobbs, Hodge/Hodges, Hodgkinson, Hogan, Hoffer, Holland, Hollifield, Holt, Honeycutt, Hood, Hopkins, Hopper, Horn/Horne, Horner, Horton, Hoskins, Hounchell, House, Howard, Hubbard, Hubbs, Hudson, Hughes, Humfleet, Hunter, Hurst, Hutson, Hutton, Hyde

Drawer #13
Inman, Irwin, Israel, Isaacs, Jackson, James, Jameson, Jarvis, Johnson, Jones, Jordan

Drawer #14
Kasee, Keeton, Kello, Kelly, Kern, Kerr, Kilgore, King, Kinningham, Kirby, Knoblock, Knuckles, Lambert, Lane, Lanham, Lawrence, Lawson, Latham, Lay, Ledford, Lee, LeFevers, Leger/Legere, Lester, Lewis, Liford, Litteral, Lock/Locke, Lockard, Logan, Lough, Love, Lowe, Lumpkins, Lundy, Lunsford, Lusk, Lynch, Lyttle/Little

Drawer #15
McAdams, McCarty, McCollum, McClellam, McCray, McCutcheon, McDermott, McDonald, McDowell, McFarland, McGuire, McHolland, McKee/McKay, McKeehan, McNeil, McVey, McWilliams, Mackey, Madden/Madon, Maggard, Mahan, Main, Manis, Mannon, Marcum, Marion, Marlow, Marsee, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Mayfield, Mayne/Main, Mays

Drawer #16
Meadors/Meadows, Mealer, Medcalf, Means, Merida, Messer, Metcalf, Miles, Miller, Mills, Minton, Miracle, Mitchell, Mooneyhan, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Moses, Moss, Moyers, Mullis, Muncy

Drawer #17
Napier, Naw, Neal/Neel, Nelson, Newman, Nicholson, Nolan, Oaks/Oakes, Ohler, Oldfield, Oliver, Ore, Orick, Osborne, Overstreet, Owen/Owens, Oxendine

Drawer #18
Parker, Parks, Parman, Parrot, Parsons, Parton/Partin, Patrick, Patridge, Patterson, Payne, Peace, Pearson, Peavler, Pennington, Perkins, Peters, Petry/Petrey, Phillips, Philpot, Phipps, Pichard, Pinkerton, Pittman/Pitman, Pleasants, Pogue/Poage, Poff/Pfaff, Polly, Ponder, Pope, Potter, Powell, Poynter, Price, Prichard, Pruit/Prewitt, Queener

Drawer #19
Rains, Ragan, Ramsey", Randall/Reynolds, Rasnick, Ray, Reeder, Rees/Reese, Reeves, Reiser, Relaford, Renfro, Rhoades/Rhodes, Rice, Richardson, Rickett, Riddle,
/Riley, Roark, Rodes/Rhodes, Roberts, Robertson, Romines, Rose, Ross, Runyon, Rushton, Rowland

Drawer #20
Salmons, Sayler/Salyers, Sams, Sasser, Savage, Sayers, Saylor, Scalf, Scott, Scruggs, Seagraves, Sears, Sexton, Sharp, Shelton, Shepherd, Shewmaker, Shoup/Shupe, Shields, Siler, Sizemore, Skaggs, Skidmore, Slusher

Drawer # 21
Smith, Snyder/Snider, Southerland, Souder, Spain, Spurlock, Stanfield/Stanfill, Stanberry, Steel/Steele, Stephens, Stewart, Stidham, Stone, Storm, Sturgill, Sullivan, Swafford, Swanson, Swift, Syme

Drawer # 22
Tankersley, Tate, Tatem, Taylor, Terrell, Thomas, Thompson/Thomsom, Tinsley, Teague, Townsley, Treadway, Trent, Trosper, Troutman, Tuggle, Turner, Turtle, Tuttle, Tye

Drawer #23
Uncle Josh, Unthank, Valentine, Vanderpool, Vannoy, Vaughn, Vermillion, Vernon, Wagers, Waggoner/Wagner, Walker, Walters, Walton, Ward, Warfield, Warren, Washam, Waters, Watkins, Weaver, Webb, Wells, West

Drawer #24
Wharton, Wheeler, Whidbee, White, Wilbourn/Wilburn, Wilder, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winslow, Witt, Woods, Woolum/Wullom, Woosley/ Woolsey, Word, Worley, Wyatt, Yager/Yeager, York

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