
Knox Historical Museum

History & Genealogy Center

Established 1987 in Barbourville, Kentucky
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VOL. 4 NO. 3
JULY, 1980

A Message From Your President ... 1-2

Following The Tracks
     By Mrs. Elizabeth Masterson ... 3-4

Of Guns And Men ... 5-6
     By Col. Henry S. Queener 

Wiley Jones ... 7-10
     By Mrs. Jeraldyne B. Clipson 

Brown Bible Records ... 10-11
     Contributed by Mrs. Dorothy Cottongim 

Knox County, Kentucky Court Order Book A ... 11-13
     continued from April, 1980, "KC,KK"
HEIRS ... 14-29
     Transcribed by Mrs. Elizabeth Masterson

QUERIES ... 30-34

New Members & Change of Address ... 35

War Records ... 36

Help Offered ... 36

Marriage Book B, some corrections ... 36

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